Already time seems like a whirlwind. It feels like one of those movie scenes where there's music playing and the sheets of a calendar keep getting torn off and disappearing. The days are appreciably longer. It's a lot lighter inside because we had a trees trimmed last week. I didn't even realize there was more than one tree outside the window of the room I write in. It turns out there were three that had grown so dense , it seemed like one. Suddenly I can see the evening sky and the roof of my neighbor's guest house. The best part is that I don't have to turn on the light in there during the day now.
I sent in the copy edit of MURDER BY THE HOOK. I had thought about not including a pattern or recipe. They don't show up in the audio version. But at the last minute I decided to put them in. I already knew the pattern was for a crocheted scarf similar to the one Elsbeth wears on the show. The cake was a chocolate cake made with olive oil because a lot of the story involves parties at a ranch that has an olive grove. The cake is a mainstay of the food offerings.
Writing the pattern is dizzying, so I did that first. Someone is always in the kitchen at my house and I like to cook with nobody bothering me. I had to find a time when I could be sure no one was going to interrupt. Some of my earlier books had old family recipes, but now they are all new ones. I always test them and let my family be the tasters. It's the only part of my writing they really are interested in.
The cake was actually easy to put together. It's hand mixed and it's pretty much put the dry ingredients together in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another. Then mix. The batter was pretty stiff so that was a challenge, but at the end you add boiling water and viola, the batter got thin. It's baked in a loaf pan. I cooled it and added shifted powdered sugar on the top as a garnish. And then I left it for them to help themselves. I had taken a taste first and it was everything I hoped for. Moist and chocolatey, but not too sweet.
They devoured the cake and started pushing for me to make another one. I took that it was a success.
I had never appreciated olive oil or olives until I thought about writing a series about an olive farm. My agent nixed it, but I had already done a lot of research. I went to an olive farm and read about olive oil. I tasted different kinds of olives. Who knew they were related to cherries. They are both drupes. Ever since then I have come to love olives and olive oil. I love the grayish green slender leaves on olive trees.
I was glad to finally find a way to use olives in a book.
Good morning -- I know what you mean about the days flying by -- January was gone in a flash.
I've never used olive oil in a cake -- always sounds weird to me!! I think of the taste of green pimento-stuffed olives and that doesn't sound compatible with a sweet cake!! I think your readers would be disappointed if you didn't have a pattern and a recipe in each book -- I was expecting one of each in "Death Among the Stitches."
A house we bought in Denton had many overgrown trees in the yard -- we had tree trimmers come in (the same company that trimmed on the University of North Texas campus) and when they finished, it looked like a beautiful park. The few days of 80+ degree weather this past week has caused the trees to leaf out -- so pretty.
I took my tax papers to the accountant a couple days ago and learned he and his wife had a baby boy three weeks ago. I'd just given all the blankets I'd made to the Ronald McDonald House so started a blue and white granny square blanket -- it works up very quickly. With a traditional granny square, a granny rectangle and a mitered granny square there are so many possibilities -- great fun to make.
Today is a bit sad -- my husband died seven years ago this date. We had 16 years together after each having a long first marriage -- 49 years for him, 45 for me.
Enjoy your day and all the new light in your house!!
Patty, I'm sorry for the sad anniversary. How lucky you were to have two long marriages.
You are so quick with the blankets and they are clearly infused with good vibrations from you.
The right tree people make a huge difference. They shaped out trees instead of just hacking off branches. They even shaped the orange trees.
The publisher of "Death Among the Stitches" doesn't seem to have extras like recipes.
I understand what you mean about using olive oil in cakes. I always thought of it connected with savory things like salad dressing and frying eggplant. But then I tasted a citrus cake made with it at a restaurant and it changed everything. You're thinking of the flavor of olives that have been cured, but the oil is nothing like that. My family went crazy over the cake. My husband said it was one of the best cakes I had ever made. I have used olive oil in my carrot cake recipe and it worked out fine too.
January went faster than usual for some reason. Since I'm in my 70's now I think time moving is like when you get to the end of a toilet paper roll. The paper whips off faster. Ha ha.
I'm really excited to see the pattern for the scarf like Elsbeth wears. I love that show and her quirky style.
I think a story series about an olive farm would be very interesting. There are so many about vineyards. An olive farm would bring a new perspective.
Happy weekend.
I will definitely try the olive oil cake recipe -- we love chocolate.
Sally, your comment about time moving like the end of a toilet paper roll made me laugh out loud. I'll be 88 in a few months -- I'm really rolling fast!! Luckily, I'm very healthy -- haven't had so much as a sniffle in many years. All my family here has had the flu the last few weeks -- my son said to my grandson that he hopes I don't get sick. Henry said "Grandma is super human -- she never gets sick!!"
I've seen Elsbeth once and enjoyed it. At the moment, it comes on at 9 p.m., which is bedtime for me. When daylight saving time starts, it will be on at 8 p.m. so I'll watch. It's a fun show.
When I mentioned the various granny square options, I knew there was another -- Cee Cee's granny stripes!! I made one using multi-colored stripes yarn -- very pleased with the results.
Patty, someone told me that once and I can't get it out of my mind. Glad it gave you a chuckle. 88! You go girl!
That chocolate cake sounds so good. January did go by fast. And February is short. I think Patty should write a crochet pattern book. I would buy it.
Miriam, Patty is definitely an expert at crochet!
Crocheting is something I love to do and have been doing for many, many years. I'm glad to share what I've learned with others.
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