MURDER BY THE HOOK is up for pre-sale. The official release date is April 8. It's great timing because the basket of orange orbs on the cover are Pixie tangerines. And April is a big time for Pixis. They only grown in Ojai, California, where the book takes place. I finally got it straight about mandarins versus tangerines. All tangerines are mandarins, but not all mandarins are tangerines.
We went up to Ojai on Sunday and bought our first Pixies of the year. We also passed lots of groves of the trees loaded with them. I was glued to the window the whole trip as I have spent so much time there in my imagination when I was writing the book, it was exciting to see locations in real life.
This Saturday I'm taking part in an event at the Agoura Hills library. The topic is cozy mysteries. I haven't done anything like this in a long time. Whatever I've done has been on Zoom. It will be interesting meeting readers in person. I did an event at this library a while ago and as I remember it is a more casual setting with a small group. So, no microphone or table that sets the speakers apart from the crowd. I am not a polished speaker and the microphone and table always made me nervous. I already have the questions I'm going to be asked. They're all about DEATH AMONG THE STITCHES and I'll do a reading from the book.
Who knows how many people will show up.
Good morning -- I've placed my order for "Murder by the Hook" -- eagerly looking forward to Molly and the Hookers adventures.
The few times I've had to speak in public have been horrible -- that is definitely not my thing. Both my husbands could and my son can talk for hours -- I'm a good listener!!
I've done my usual crocheting -- finished a big granny square and started a cross stitch. That pattern looks best in a solid yarn so there are few yarn ends to worry about.
Arizona doesn't go on daylight saving time so we're the same time as California now. All my regular tv shows are an hour earlier than they have been -- that takes a bit of getting used to. I was watching "Jeopardy" yesterday -- reruns on the Game Show network -- and knew an answer that even Ken Jennings didn't know!! My smart moment for the day!!
My grandson is having all four wisdom teeth extracted today -- ouch!! They are growing in at an angle toward the front and pushing his other teeth out of line. Spring break is next week so he'll have time to recover without missing school.
Enjoy your day, your crocheting and eating your Pixie oranges!!
Just placed my order. At first I was disappointed and thought, wow, April, that's a long time from now. And then I realized it is just a few weeks away. Where is the time going? Time is a thief.
Happy weekend everyone.
Whoops, should have said Pixie tangerines.
Patty, I'm a good listener, too. But, I am looking forward to being somewhere in person since most of the stuff is on computer now.
You certainly keep yourself busy with making things. I can see how it would be weird to suddenly have your shows on an hour earlier. I'm sending good thoughts that your grandson extraction goes well.
Turns out we didn't have to go to Ojai. The grocery store here has them for almost the same price.
Enjoy your day!
Sally, The time is really flying by. I have to hurry and get the stuff to my web guy to update my website. I don't usually post it anywhere, but my birthday is April 1. It seemed like a long way off and now it's almost here and everybody wants to know where I want to go for my birthday dinner.
Henry's oral surgery went well -- Danny said he was jabbering nonsense as they drove home!!
I have to keep busy using my yarn -- at my age, I have to work through my stash as quickly as I can!!
Patty, I wish you could post pictures of your work. I would love to see your projects.
Patty, glad to hear your grandson is doing well.
Sally -- If you'll send me a number where I can send a text, I can send pictures that way. My email is
I also do not like speaking in public and I am a good listener. However, I had no trouble speaking to my first grade classes at all. I'm looking forward to reading the new book. Patty, I'm glad your grandson is doing well. I can still remember when I had my wisdom teeth out.
I just place my order too!
Congrats, Betty! And have fun speaking at the library. I'll be on a panel at the same library later this year and I'll get to talk about dogs!
Miriam, so you taught first grade? I taught Sunday school and was an assistant teacher in Head Start and had no trouble being in front of the kids. I guess it's different speaking to adults. The thing at the Agoura Hills Library was easy. We sat in a circle and it felt very friendly.
I taught at LAUSD. I started working in the day care center and worked my through college. I did my student teaching at the same school then I got hired there as a teacher. I taught first grade my whole career. I loved it. After I retired I volunteered at the same school until covid came along. I was at the same school for 52 years. I'm glad your talk at the Agoura Hills Library was enjoyable.
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