Another week gone by in a flash. Now that MURDER BY THE HOOK is totally done and up for pre-sale, I had to update my website which includes adding a picture of the crochet project in the book. I had made the squares for the scarf a while ago, but put off weaving in the ends and sewing them together. I know I am not alone with putting off doing those things. I'm not even sure why we all do it. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
Now, maybe I will get back to that kitten who is just a body waiting for a head, legs and tail.
Meanwhile, there is a special promotion for the audio of the last Molly book, KILLER HOOKS. I didn't want to post anything about it at the same time I posted the cover of MURDER BY THE HOOK. To easy to get confused. And the audio of DEATH AMONG THE STITCHES is coming out soon.
My poor web guy always gets confused with all the titles with hooks and stitches in them. Who could blame him.
The event at the Agoura Hills library went well. It was casual and friendly. No microphones or separation from the group. We sat in sort of an oval of comfortable chairs. The other author with me, Dorothy Howell, writes a series about sewing. It turned out that we both had books called SEAMS LIKE MURDER. It was interesting to hear about her process. She does an outline and then writes a chapter a day. I wish I was that focused and could write that fast.
Peggy Rothchild was the moderator and she had come up with good questions for us. It's always easier answering questions than to have to think of what to say.
One of the questions was about the first thing we ever wrote. I have a clear memory of that. I was eleven and we were at our cabin or cottage--not sure of the best word for it. We had a loaf shaped mail box that I imagined two fairies, Lily and Violet turning into a home. There was a creek that ran through the 1,000 acre farm across the road. A small bridge went over it and below the water made little water falls where the fairies would use walnut shell buckets to get water. It was fun remembering it.
Good morning -- I've been wondering what the crochet pattern in the new book would be -- lovely scarf!! I'm about to finish another big granny rectangle blanket -- I've never done a scarf using that pattern but think I'll try -- just have to make the beginning chain much longer than needed for the blanket.
The fairies making a home in the mailbox and using walnut shells for buckets sounds like a wonderful story. When my brother and I were little, and again with my two kids, my mother could make a fairy dance on the bed sheet which was pulled tightly up over our heads. We'd lie on each side of Mama, hold the sheet so it was taut and say "Please little fairy, hear my plea -- come and do your dance for me." The fairy would soon dance and jump around. How it was done was a complete mystery -- we were closely against Mama's arms so she couldn't have done the "dancing." When she was with us before she passed away, I asked her to tell me how she made the fairy dance. She just smiled and said "It was magic" and wouldn't tell me!!
Enjoy your day, your crocheting and whatever writing you're doing now.
Patty, the fairy dance sounds magical!
Ooh!! I love the scarf. I'm just finishing my granny square blanket. I love making the squares and connecting them seems to go fast too. I'll look forward to making the scarf when I see the pattern in the book.
Sally, I got the idea for the scarf from the Elsbeth show. She wore a similar scarf. I bet your blanket is beautiful!
I love the scarf!
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