Thursday, October 12, 2017

Graphic Creation

I have a love/hate relationship with creating promotional graphics for books. At times it's an enjoyable task, and others a necessary evil. Like today. It took me two hours to come up with something I liked, while the last book took fifteen minutes to make a graphic I loved. I loved it so much, I had a poster printed and bought a frame and easel so I could display it.

Today, I was getting so frustrated (which of course wasn't helping the process) with the time I was spending because I'd rather devote it writing more of my new book that I wondered if it's worth it. Why was I doing this to myself...getting myself in a tizzy over a graphic to put on Facebook? It seemed like a waste of time. I am a writer. I should write. But alas, one must promote and market their book(s) if they want readers to know about and read it.

I knew I'd be short-changing myself if I ignored this necessary task so I took a deep breath and got back to work. The truth all writers face is that there are a lot of books out vying for readers love. Readers won't know about my book if I don't share. If I don't tell. So, I pushed the negative feelings aside and continued with coming up with a show-and-tell for my new book.

It took some tweaking before I had a option that I liked. At first, it looked too plain and now it seems a little busy. I'm going to let it "sit" for today and see how I feel tomorrow. Though right now, I'm leaning toward deleting the Crafty and Crime sticker in the lower left corner.

1 comment:

Linda O. Johnston said...

I'm impressed with how well you do this!