Every writer knows the feeling. You’re humming a long, and then the book begins to bog. Maybe it’s the middle where you’ve got to find plenty for your heroine to do before she actually solves the crime. Maybe it’s the ending, which isn’t as slam bang as you’d like. Maybe it’s the end of the second act, and you haven’t decided on the third.
A brilliant idea pops into your head. For a new novel. A novel that will be fun and easy to write. A story that deserves to be told. Characters that will practically write themselves. A blcokbuster, best seller, Whoop-De-Do of an idea.
It’s a lie. That story will bog down too. And in the meantime, this one won’t get finished. Your real work won’t get done. Most writers recognize this and see the brilliant idea for what it is – a shiny distraction, Brigadoon.
What I didn’t realize is that I do the same with my quilting projects. The allure is ever so more readily available. I walked into my favorite local shop the other day, the Granary. A desiplay of new patterns from Quilt Market. New fabric. New books. Many of them crying out to me, make me. No, make me.
Right now I have two quilts on the design wall that needs their backs finished so I can add them to the six others that need quilting. I have a One Block Wonder that’s been on the other design wall for at least a year. (Does the fact that I have two design walls strike anyone else as a clear indicator of my problem?) My Ricky Tims Kaleidescope quilt needs a little adjusting. I started five summer dresses for girls in Haiti. Only one is finished.
Did I mention I need a birthday gift by Saturday?
Those are only the active projects. The closet is full of fabric I hope one day to turn into quilts. But I think I’ve learned a valuable lesson here. I will view those new fabrics, new patterns as distractions, just trying to luring me away from my intent.
How about you? What's calling out for you to begin?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
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Thst would be why I have three books in the germination phase, a website partly set up, 3 cross-stitch, 2 needlepoint, and I-have-no-idea-how-many-and-I-don't-want-to-know knitting projects going. Distractable? I'm not distractable. Not me!
Crossstitch projects are just as bad, and scrapbooks, and....
And I have several of all of these in my office/craft room and floating around in my head. But what's a girl to do, really?
Yes, Julie, yes. There are just so many things screaming to get done. We're just like that dog in the movie, "UP." Squirrel!
Signlady, what is a girl to do? One thing at a time, I guess. It does help me to do a brain dump once in awhile just to get rid of those things floating in my head.
I need to finish the quilt I'm working on so I can begin the second quilt that I owed last month.
I wish I had the wall space to have two design walls. Right now I have to take mines down at the end of the day's work.
Ah, UFOs. One doesn't think about authors having the same problems as a quilter. Make a pax with yourself to finish at least one of them in the next week. You will feel better and it might break the ice for the writing. Good luck.
I have so many crochet projects in plastic bags that are half done.
Dru, I only have room for one design wall. The other gets stuck behind it, which is why I forgot the other project was there! My design wall by the way is a flannel covered piece of foam core board.
That's a good plan, Carol. Making manageable expectations is a good way to go.
Betty, I have a couple of those, too! LOL
Speaking of constant distractions, I offer as evidence Mark Twain's Story of My Grandfather's Old Ram - which I once memorized for a talent show (I didn't win, the audience wasn't dazzled): http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/7207/ram.html
I don't know that story, Monica. Thanks for the link.
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