Thursday, July 13, 2017

Starting a Craft Project--Or Not

This year I decided to complete one craft a week, or at least a step of one if it was a large project. I love crafting and at the end of 2016 realized I hadn't spent much time doing what I enjoy. So, at the start of 2017, I told myself I'd make doing things I loved a priority rather than always making it last on the list. I've been doing on my 2017 craft mission, I did miss two weeks when we were on vacation but we were so busy sightseeing/vacationing that I didn't get any craft time in.

I injured my foot somehow and have been in an air cast/boot and can't walk around much right now so when I saw a Disney latch hook rug kit on sale for $5, I couldn't pass it up. It would be a great craft to sit and work on during the day. I also figured it would be easy. I did some latch hooks years ago and I remember them being a quick project to get done. Well...let's just say this wasn't quite what I remember.

For one, the design was not printed on the canvas. This kit is a little more advanced than the other ones I've done. This was not going to a quick, relaxing craft to get done in an afternoon. We're going to moving and part of my plan for the remainder of the year is to complete some of the projects. It'll be easier to move with the projects complete rather than as supplies, plus it would make it easier for me to know which items I can get rid of. We're downsizing so I can't take it all with me. I'm not sure I can get this completed in time. (Or at least not a week when I know I'll be babysitting.)

And to add to the time-consuming nature of this project, the yarn pieces aren't sorted. The first thing I need to do is sort out the colors. If the design was printed on the canvas, I could just pick out one pack of yarn and add the colors where they go, but that won't work out well having a blank canvas.

I might just package this up, add it in my take-with-us box, and work on it after we move.


Linda O. Johnston said...

I love latch hook rugs! That was my favorite craft hobby a while back--and I even made one with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel face!

Berny said...

I too used to do those years ago and loved them. It is a really cute design and looks a little too hard for me since it isn't printed on it, but wish you the best with it!
I am almost positive if it were me it would go in the yard sale box before it went in my "to-do" craft box. lol