Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eclipse Retrospective

Tired of hearing about the eclipse?  After all, it happened two days ago.  And its connection with LA wasn't nearly as exciting as it was with many other places, so I suppose I could be glad it's over.

But I did manage to glimpse what was visible here.  I didn't have the special glasses that were being sold all over the place, but I did have a viewer I'd bought at Griffith Observatory years ago when there was another eclipse, so I was able to look at what was going on here for a couple of seconds.

Here, it looked like a crescent sun (as opposed to a much more frequent crescent moon). 

But I did take the time to watch TV on several different channels so I was able to see what all the excitement was about--that amazing circle!

I'd been away from home when everything started, and my house was a bit dark inside, although there was plenty of sunlight outside.  My dogs didn't seem affected at all.

I was able to get back to my writing later--and recalled that, many years ago, I'd considered writing sci-fi.  This could have been wonderful research.

But for my current stories, I should instead have hunted for Canis Major, the constellation that contains Sirius... the dog star!

By the way, I gave my talk writing in multiple genres at the Santa Clarita Romance Writers, a new chapter of the Romance Writers of America last Saturday, as I mentioned last week.  I really enjoyed it, including all the audience participation, and the lunch afterward.  In fact, I wound up joining the chapter!  I won't list all the writing organizations and chapters I now belong to, but there are a lot.  I'm glad to add this one to them.

1 comment:

Betty Hechtman said...

You are right, the eclipse was not such a big deal here. The light outside did look a little odd and the light coming in our skylights definitely strange, but nothing compared to Oregon where for two minutes it got dark.