Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Uncrowded Places

This past week I went to a couple of places I anticipated would be crowded because of the holiday season, but they weren't.  Other people there suggested, in both cases, that it was because people were staying home--if they could--thanks to the fires that aren't far away.

One was a popular local restaurant we went to with some friends, including a couple from out of town.  It's a restaurant where there's a pianist, and the wait staff bursts into song now and then, accompanied by the piano.  Fortunately, despite fewer patrons like us, the entertainment remained as wonderful as always.

And then there was the Glendale Reads Author Festival at the Glendale Library last Saturday that I've mentioned here.  There were quite a few authors, including some who were interviewed on a stage near the signing area.  But not a lot of library patrons or others showed up to hear the speakers or meet the rest of us.  Fun, yes, but mostly because of the other authors I talked with.     

More things are going on that should keep me busy--including my writing--but the end of some is in sight.

Meanwhile, I'll keep on going!

1 comment:

Betty Hechtman said...

It is surprising both places weren't as crowded as you expected. The restaurant sounds very festive.