Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Full Calendar

I've been sitting here staring at the computer screen for an hour, starting a post then deleting it. My mind just can't seem to settle down and concentrate on one item. There's just too much in it to focus on anything. I'm leaving Thursday morning (when this posts) for a scrapbooking retreat. I'll be gone until Monday so a lot to do before I leave: check pet food and other supplies for house/pet sitter, goodies for the house sitter, clean house, finish laundry. Packing suitcase. Packing up scrapping supplies. Packing up books (this is also a book selling event for me). Not to mention, I'm writing Be Good for Goodness Sake and just received the ARC proof pages for Not a Creature Was Stirring to proof.

There's a lot on my to do list and I have come to the conclusion some things just won't get done.
I had planned on making some Disney ears for the scrapbooking retreat (it's Disney themed) and some cutting machine covers but crossed those craft projects off the list. When an activity you enjoy becomes a stressor it's time to reevaluate the craft project list. I've never made ears before so want to do it at a time I'm not feeling stressed so I can enjoy the process. It's also hard to learn how to do a new craft when my mind is jumping all over the place.

Back to packing for the crop: next item is sorting some paper scraps (for die cutting) into an accordion folder. I dislike having to cut full sheets of 12x12 cardstock when I only need an inch of paper to make a design. 

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