Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I'm Back!

What, you didn't know I was gone?   Well, I didn't publicize it much, although if you're a Facebook friend of mine you undoubtedly figured it out, since some family members posted some pictures of me with them in Cancun.

Why Cancun, and why then?  Well, it was time for my grandsons' spring break from school.  Plus, more coincidentally than planned, it was my birthday and my older son's.  Yes, my older son was a birthday present for me many years ago.  He and his wonderful wife had chosen Cancun because they had been there before and enjoyed it  Among those with us were some close members of my daughter-in-law's family. 

We stayed at a wonderful all-inclusive resort, and yes, it was pretty much all inclusive.  I could have eaten at a great variety of restaurants 24-7 and sometimes felt as if I was doing exactly that!  Plus, I enjoyed the stout beer brewed there.

In addition, they had a couple of pools containing dolphins.  I of course had mixed emotions about that.  You know how I love animals, and dolphins are among my favorites.  They're as smart as people in their environment.  Well, the whole idea of these four being confined concerned me.  But they appeared well cared-for, as long as they didn't mind getting together with people frequently.  I just wished they could swim out to sea whenever they wished, but of course that wouldn't work for the resort.  And as far as I could tell, when I spoke with them, they were happy, or at least not unhappy.

We did take an expedition one day to CrocCun, a local zoo that specializes in reptiles.  I got to hold an alligator, as did others.  These animals, too, appeared to be well taken care of--I hope.  We also got to feed deer by hand, and their food seemed diverse and enjoyed by them.

Did I get any writing done?  Well, I did accomplish a bit of editing, but right now I need to work even harder to meet my upcoming deadlines. 

Anyway, as I said, I'm home now--and am delighted to be back with my dogs.  And back at work.  But I had a wonderful time!

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