Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Spring is Coming to LA

I think spring is on its way to LA.  We've actually had a Los Angeles winter this year, with plenty of rain, which has become unusual.  More rain is predicted for later this week, but the storms do seem to be winding down.

Yes, even a real LA winter isn't as bad as so many other winters in this country.  But it's easy to notice an LA winter when we haven't really had one for a while.

The fun part of it has been some of the results of the storms.  Like fields of flowers, particularly poppies in some areas.  Another enjoyable result was the invasion of lots of kaleidoscopes of painted lady butterflies all around our area, including in our yard.  Kaleidoscope is one of the things you can call a flock or horde or flutter of butterflies.

We also have birds around, including a hawk who perches on top of a tree visible out our back window and watches the world.  And talks to me when I take the dogs outside.  Then, earlier this week in a time of lots of wind, the hawk and a crow flew in a synchronized dance, wings outstretched and soaring.  The crow needed to flap its wings a bit more than the hawk, but it was amazing how coordinated the two unrelated birds appeared to be.

But I'm not spending all my time watching butterflies, hawks and crows.  I'm getting some writing done, too.  Even when my dogs come by and stare at me so I have to obey whichever command they're giving at that time.

The official start of spring is tomorrow, March 21.  I hope those of you in parts of the country that have been experiencing terrible weather actually start your spring then if you haven't already. 

And I'll be interested to see what the next changes in the weather do to our flora and fauna this year.

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