Friday, July 12, 2019

Getting It Right in the Rewrite

Writing every book is different.  Rewriting every book is different.  Particularly now when I'm not working from a synopsis. I noticed with MIXED KNOTS that I really didn't know the characters during the go round.  But now as I'm rewriting I know who they are.  Today I looked over a scene I'd finished and I thought he wouldn't have acted that way.  The "he" is a twenty-five year old CEO of a Silicon Valley startup.  I realized that he's brash and self absorbed.  There's no way that he would wait for Casey to offer something he wanted.  He'd demand it.

And the women in her retreat group suddenly told me who they were.  They had just been names before.  Now I'm seeing them as whole people in living color.  I'm always watching and listening when I'm out anywhere.  I pick up tidbits to give to my characters.  When I got my hair cut I was studying all the different styles in the place and trying to think how to describe them. 

I listen to speech patterns, watch gestures and expressions. I add them al to my arsenal. 

This morning as I was drinking my coffee a redo of another scene popped in my head.  I liked the new way much better as there was more conflict and action.  It is much more fun to write when the story starts to unfold in my head that way.

I want to finish the rewrite this month because other projects await.  I don't want to jinx anything until I actually have the contact, but its exciting news.


Linda Osborn said...

Hey there, new projects sound exciting for you, and for your readers. Just remember it's about time for Molly to show up again too ! You could add Barry's daughter, his mom, more about Mason's kids, there is no end till Molly finally marries somebody--you know my vote on that one !! We used to sing a Girl Scout song about "make new friends, but keep the old--one is silver and the other gold". Of course you know I will buy anything you write!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Isn't being a writer fun! So many different ways characters, ideas and more seem to just show up in our heads in a variety of ways.