Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Me, Techie?

No way, but a lot of techie things seem to be taking up a bunch of my time lately. Or at least stuff on the computer, mostly social media.

First, it's other blogs I participate in.  In one, I'd not seen the posts of others indicating that I was supposed to do a giveaway on my scheduled post this month--and I was to be the first with a giveaway. Someone else very kindly fixed it, but I intend to make up for it. And communicating about it has taken some time.

Then there's another blog I do, and the person who usually posts it for me is having computer problems--so I hope it gets up there!  Fortunately, at the moment, it sounds like a go. Oh, and although I'm still doing somewhat okay on my computer, we're starting to consider what comes next.

And of course I'm on the computer a lot working on that major edit I mentioned before.

I'm still pleased that my latest book, Colton 911: Caught in the Crossfire, is now available.  Plus, its hero will be the subject of an interview on November 27 at the Harlequin Romantic Suspense author page on Facebook.  And it's actually The Book of the Week on that site this week!

Okay, yes, I'm on the computer writing this.  But I'd better get back to edits and writing, so bye for now to the Killer Hobbies blog, preferably before my non-hobby, family member dogs start giving me their usual orders.

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