Friday, November 1, 2019

Wild End to October

What a week!

The Santa Ana winds blew in and sparks turned into wildfires. These winds were cold and turned the air bone dry. Skin felt itchy and hair was styled by static electricity.

The sky was clear blue at my house and there wasn’t a hint of the smell of smoke and yet the Getty fire was burning close by. The area along dirt Mulholland we like to hike was part of the evacuation area. The was worry if the wind changed, burning embers could come our way. As it turned out that didn’t happen, but I had started putting together things just in case.

The winds died down just in time for Halloween. I expected a light crowd this year. It had been several years since a house down the street had turned their front yard into a horror display that drew huge crowds. Last year we had candy left over when the trick or treating stopped.

Wrong! We started to run out of candy before eight o’clock and I had to scrounge up whatever else I could find around the house. The best part was my almost three-year-old grandson assisted in giving out the candy. He giggled with delight as he dropped candy in the trick or treaters bags.  

And now it’s November. I keep trying to make time slow down to no avail.

1 comment:

Linda Osborn said...

Just discovered that the newest knitting book, Knot on Your Life, is out on Amazon. Ordered it today, and it is supposed to arrive Sunday. I know you are starting a new series, but will there be more of Molly ? Let's get her married off !! You know my choice for her ...