Friday, December 6, 2019

A Writers Holiday

As Christmas and Hanukah approach, everyone is thinking of cards and gifts.  They’re decorating and planning special food.  They’re arranging parties and special events.

Not me.  It seems that every year I’m either close to a deadline with a book or in the midst of a rewrite.  This year it’s writing. Murder Ink is due February 1.  It seemed like I had lots of time, but suddenly the days started flipping by like calendar pages in a movie montage.

It was Labor Day, then Halloween and just recently Thanksgiving.  And now it is December.  Veronica Blackstone, my character, is still enjoying October days in Chicago as she gets deeper into what really happened to Rachel Parker Ross. 

I’m doing the only thing I can do.  Leave Southern California and go to Chicago to have my own writer’s retreat where I won’t be tempted to set my work aside and go somewhere fun .

It will give me the chance to immerse myself in the story and hopefully have the words flying out of my finger tips onto the computer screen.

I wonder if there will be snow.

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