Friday, December 13, 2019

Time Away

I have been in Chicago all week.  The weather turned really cold which was good for my purposes.  I stayed inside hovering over my computer working on my next book MURDER INK.  It’s particularly good working on it here since it takes place in Chicago and I have a chance to see places and get fresh inspiration for descriptions.  

I have to make some adjustments since the book takes place in October when there are still leaves on the trees and now I look out on sad brown naked branches.  

The good part is that it heightens my senses and gives a reason to check out places.  I look for details and think how to describe them. A train ride downtown gives me information that Veronica could see.

Everything is more interesting.   That is one of the things I like best about writing.  I really look at the color of a brick building and focus in on the decorative detail that is so common on the old buildings around here. At this time of year, there is about 20 minutes less daylight here than in L.A., buy it seems like it is even less.   The light starts fading at 3:30 and its almost dark at 4:30 .  I like to watch what the sky looks like in between.  There is something special watching the pink and orange sky through the silhouette of bare tree branches.

I’m happy to say that I am getting a lot of work done.  The days have melted and before I know it I’ll be home where the sun is shining and the air is warm enough to go without a jacket.  It will be so much harder to stay inside and write.  

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