Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Subconscious Appreciation

I appreciate my subconscious. And I'm very conscious of it.

My subconscious woke me the other night to let me know that a way I was replotting something in a story wasn't working well.  I pondered it for a while and didn't reach a conclusion... then.  I think I fell back to sleep for a short while.

I pondered it more during the next day, while getting up and going to exercise and more.  But the solution came to me at a time I wasn't thinking about it--when I was driving home. 

I think it'll be a good fix.  I've at least started to figure out how best to work it in.

In any case, thanks, subconscious.  I appreciate you.

And you? What do you think of your subconscious?


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