Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Yet Another Week

I was trying to figure out something new and different to post here this week. Not a lot is different from last week, though.


Oh, I did enjoy Mother's Day. My younger son joined us for a while with some very sweet people close to him--although not then, since we were all social distancing on our patio outside. We communicated with our other son and his family, including our grandkids, via Skype, which is always enjoyable but I wish we could get together with them in person--but they live out of town.


I'm close to finishing a manuscript under deadline and hope to send it off by the end of the week, so that's somewhat new, although it's the same manuscript I've been working on lately.


I guess it's a good thing that not much changes, since so far, at least, I'm staying well, and so are my husband and dogs. I hope that continues forever!


I'm still pondering how to handle this situation, if at all, in future manuscripts. I guess it'll depend on what I'm writing, and in which genres, whether to ignore it or make it part of the story, or at least mention it. Guess I'll see how things work out.


Meanwhile, hope you're all staying safe and well--and reading and/or writing!


Betty Hechtman said...

It is hard to come up with something new when our days are carbon copies. Just looked at the last two words and realize there a lot of people who wouldn't even know what carbon paper is.

It's lucky you have your work to keep you centered.

It is kind of hard to think how to include life as it is now in any books until we see how it plays out.

Stay well!

Linda O. Johnston said...

How true, Betty--I doubt many people use carbon paper these days. And I do feel lucky to do the kind of work I do since it's always there, in one form or another.

You stay well, too!