Friday, June 12, 2020


When I wrote my blog last week, I was so tired I could barely think.  It was Thursday night and Wednesday had been such a long day, I swore it had been two days.  I had to see my brother’s place for the first time and deal with the spot where he’d been found.  I had to make arrangements for the area to be cleaned up.  There was an appointment to be made to pick up his ashes.  All the while it was settling in that I would never know why he died.  That all his bills and payments were on a computer I had no idea how to get into.

Now I have recovered from my journey across the country.  I was only there for three days, but they seemed so long I was sure it was really four.  I had to get things cleaned, get things fixed, start looking for stuff.  I had to pick up his ashes.  A whirlwind of activity and then it was time to leave.

We caught a seven a.m. flight which meant we had to leave for the airport at five.  I was worried about over sleeping, so kept waking up to check the clock.

The flight to Dallas was fine.  No one in the middle seat between my son and me.  We were in Dallas long enough for me to get some coffee and then it was the last leg of our journey.  This time there was a giant guy in the middle seat.  He looked so uncomfortable, but made no move into the empty aisle seat in front of me.

Everybody had masks on.  There was no beverage service on any of the flights.  They hand out a small bag with a bottle of water and some kind of snack item.  I think first class just got a bag of something so, only a better something than we got.  The flight attendants came through to pick up the trash, but the rest of the time they were seating in the galley.

I have to admit it felt good to fly again even if it was for such a sad reason.

I usually arrive at LAX at night, so it felt very strange to land in daylight.

The world doesn’t stop just because you have a death in the family.  My son is moving this week and needs my help.  Another family member has a health issue. I have books to write and just got the proof pages of MURDER INK to go over.  There’s the protesting and the virus.  The world seems turned upside down for everybody. And yet I keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing that I will deal with it all. There simply isn’t any other choice.


Linda O. Johnston said...

I can't even imagine flying yet, Betty. And yes, sorry your trip was for such a sad reason. Sounds as if you're handling that, as well as everything else, amazingly.

Linda Osborn said...

The human spirit always strives to survive. Whatever faith we may have gives us strength to rise to the occasion. So glad your son was able to go along, that extra support in getting things done. You are such a strong person, you will keeping moving forward ! My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Johnston, flying was better than I expected and if anything the planes are a lot cleaner than they were during normal times. The trip back was much easier because I'd already faced what I was dreading. It seems like the anticipation is always worse than the reality.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, faith does help to rise to the occasion. My son was fantastic. Thank you for the thought and prayers. It really helps.