Thursday, September 17, 2020

More Brain Drain


Okay. Sorry. With more stuff going on around me, my sense of time keeps standing still.  And so, yes, I'm late with this post--again.


I won't get into what I wound up doing yesterday, when I was supposed to post.  But it hadn't been planned much in advance.  And I didn't pay attention to the day.


Anyway, here I am. Yes, I'm writing every day, at least.  And trying to stay safe, not only from COVID but also from the smoke that's still sitting in the Los Angeles sky from the nearest fires. That means my poor pups aren't getting their walks the way they'd like, since I don't want them inhaling smoke any more than I want to do it.


So--hope everyone reading this is well.  And dealing better with the sameness, yet difference in some ways, of every day now. 


Stay safe!


Betty Hechtman said...

I understand your time sense problem. I have it myself. It's so weird how the individual day goes by without notice and the days of the week flip by so fast. I think we all feel like we're on hold. The fires make it even more so.

Linda O. Johnston said...

It definitely does feel weird. When the weekend comes and I become aware of it, I find myself asking how did that happen already?

Sally Morrison said...

I keep wondering when life will return to normal and we can all go back to our daily activities. Then something new occurs and I'm struck with the thought that this is the new normal. We can't stress over everything, its too debilitating. I appreciate your blog entry whenever it comes out. Hang in there.