Wednesday, December 9, 2020


I'd been pondering what to write about here yesterday. And just as I thought about maybe mentioning the lockdown in the State of California that affects me as a Los Angeles resident, my phone began to make a beeping sound where I'd left it in another room.           

When I picked it up and looked at it, a message was displayed.  It said Severe Alert and continued by including the new public stay at home order in my area. Therefore, the world--or at least the state--confirmed what I would address today. 

I was aware of the lockdown and how controversial it is, including the way it affects small businesses including restaurants that were already trying to comply with limitations in where people could eat--outside only. 

But I'm also highly concerned about how fast and widely the virus continues to spread--and kill people. I'm willing to do my part to slow it down. 

I feel sorry for those whose livelihoods are affected by all this, though. As a writer, I can continue to do as I did before and stay home and write. But there are places I still go, such as grocery stores, though I make a list before I get there to try to pick up all I need and limit the number of times I have to go. 

And some outings need to be done. For example, I brought my younger dog Cari to her veterinarian yesterday because she's been having some pain and I wanted to have her checked. Fortunately, she improved even before we reached the vet and, though we were given some instructions and pain pills, nothing seemed too serious--fortunately. She's still not quite acting herself, so we will do all we can to take care of her.  And at the vet's? Cari saw him but I didn't. He called me where I waited in a sanitized exam room to give me his report.  I only saw the receptionist, the assistant who came to get Cari, and another assistant who brought her back--and took my payment by credit card. All of them wore protective gear. 

Those few places I go, I do wear a mask. I prefer breathing to not, so I have to be careful which masks I choose. But I do comply. 

I'm glad vaccines seem to be getting to the point that they can help people.  And I really hope 2021 is a very different year from 2020.


Betty Hechtman said...

I have a supply of masks everywhere and all different kinds.It bothered me wearing them at first, but now it's just business as usual if I want to go anywhere. Even with the vaccine they are going to be around for awhile.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I agree, Betty. I've even bought a wand with a UV light that's supposed to sterilize them.