Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Yet Another Week

 Keeping track of time is not particularly easy these days, but this week I'm under a looming deadline for some edits and I'm aware of each day as it passes--not necessarily which day of the week it is, but how much closer I am to that deadline.

 Like last week, we're still under a lockdown. Good thing I like my house and my neighborhood. Holiday presents and cards? I'm dealing with them in my occasional trips out of the house, or sending them online. Writing and other organization meetings? I'm still not great at Zoom, but I can get into meetings.  And I have a Facebook "lunch" with fellow writers today. 

 So, not much new to talk about here, and I need to get back to those edits. And, yes, obeying my dogs. That always comes first.

 Hope everyone reading this is being careful--and is well and safe.


Betty Hechtman said...

Iknow what you mean about not knowing what day it is. Good for you that you can meet up with people on zoom. I'm not that good with talking to people on screens.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I attended a Zoom party earlier this week with some members of the Union Oil Company Alumni group. I'd been a real estate lawyer for the company and it was fun to see others who'd been employed there too. I'm often fairly quiet in that kind of meeting but I do jump in and talk now and then--after I unmute myself.