Wednesday, March 24, 2021

And Yes, I'm Writing

Last week I wrote about St. Patrick's Day and superstitions. All fortunately went right for me, and I hope you can say the same. 

I also wrote last week about how the pandemic affected attempts to talk to important people like my dogs' vets. Things eventually worked out okay with that. We did ultimately communicate. The result was that now Mystie is on some different meds, which hopefully will work out well in the long run. 

My dealings with the pandemic also are a bit different now. I've gotten both vaccine shots, and things in L.A. are opening up somewhat. I actually ate inside a restaurant the other day--not many patrons or waitstaff, but it all worked out. And I'm hoping to go to another restaurant this evening.

 This week, I'm doing more writing and not visiting vets. I'm between deadlines so I'm working on one of my new ideas, turning it into a proposal. I'd love to see it go somewhere but some of the themes within it may not be popular. Or maybe they'll be very popular. I'll just have to see what happens.  I like it, of course, or I wouldn't be writing it. 

Meanwhile, the weather here in L.A. has been somewhat cool and a lot windy. I keep hearing noises as things blow outside and bump things around, and I actually hear the moans of the wind at times. I see planes heading to and from Burbank Airport with slightly different flight patterns, probable also due to the wind. 

And now... back to that proposal I'm working on.


chkntza said...

I've also had both shots and I see people inside restaurants eating without masks but I am still fearful. Congratulations on your dining out experience. I aspire to do that too.

Linda O. Johnston said...

It's best to be careful, chkntza, although I am feeling a little better about doing more. And when I'm at restaurants I can't eat with a mask over my mouth, of course, but I do keep it nearby. Hopefully things will continue to improve.