Friday, July 2, 2021

Real Life Stuff

 I am stunned that it is July.  I am so focused on the moment that I lose all sense of time, which there never seems to be enough of.

ONE FOR THE HOOKS comes out next month.  And it turns out so does WRITING A WRONG in hard cover. I just got my author copies of the soft cover of MURDER INK.  Meanwhile my mind is on finishing the rewrite of BUT KNOT FOR ME.

And that doesn’t count all the real life stuff.  At least one of my country-wide plumbing issues should be taken care of this week.  But it is so much more than the plumber finally getting the faucet parts for the leaky tub.  The access to the faucets is in a closet behind the bathroom.  It seems like everything is a rabbit hole.  Earlier in the year my washing machine went crazy and had to be replaced.  There were boxes of books in my entrance hall and I was worried there was enough space to move the old one out and the new one in.  Plus I wanted the box out of there anyway. The perfect place seemed my closet which is the one that has the access to the faucets.

Of course, the little door to the faucet access is right where all those boxes are.  But if I moved them out, I had to put them somewhere which led to getting rid of a piece of furniture.  That meant getting the city to pick it up and getting it out to the street.

All boxes moved out of the closet and now stacked in the spot vacated by the piece of furniture.  That’s a loose description of it.  It was a bean bag blob that was supposed to shaped into a couch.  It was a hassle, but I’m glad it’s gone.  

The plumber comes tomorrow.  And then I’ll have to move all the boxes back.  I’m grateful I have the strength to carry some of them and play soccer with the bigger one.  Who knew how much power there was pushing with your feet.  But I will be oh, so glad to have everything back where it belongs. And then it’s on to plumbing job across the country and a trip there to oversee.  The good news is there’s nothing I have to move.


Linda D Osborn said...

My copy of Murder Ink arrived ! I waited because I don't do Kindle. Hope to get into it today. Signs of good times returning--Finally an email saying a wonderful Christmas craft show which I participate in is returning. Last year they couldn't open due to COVID. People really love the show, and it will be a real boost to morale in the area.
The closet plumbing made me laugh. I have a bathtub which is accessed through a bedroom we have always called the "Toy Room". Years of stuff saved by children and grandchildren. It was risky to enter, animals, dolls, Legos on bare feet--aghh. An experience to remember.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I can understand not doing Kindle. I'm glad you got your copy of Murder Ink. That's great about the Christmas Craft Show. Last year the holidays were pretty dismal. My tub finally has new faucets. No more drips. Even better my plumber here is willing to give me advice on North Carolina. Your "Toy Room" sounds like places in my house. Just the thought of hitting a Lego with a barefoot makes me get sympathetic pain.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Your writing stuff sounds fun, Betty, but I sympathize with you for all the matters resulting from your plumbing issues!