I finished the rewrite of BUT KNOT FOR YOU. Now I'm proof reading. My short trip to North Carolina got even shorter. We took the red eye Monday night and once we found out the plumber couldn't do the work in the time we were going to be there, changed out tickets and came back Wednesday night.
Everybody seems to be traveling, but then it's summer. The planes were packed. There were barking dogs and screaming kids. Some guy who kept yelling out stuff about Snoop Dog and another guy who had on a pork pie hat and was loudly talking to someone.
I was comatose for part of the day. Just too tired to think straight. But already I'm bouncing back and by tomorrow, all the travel tired will be gone. Then it's full steam ahead with the proof reading.
I've never been a great traveler but I'm finding myself even more reluctant to board a plane these days. Everyone seems to be too close. :) We live in interesting times. Looking forward to your book! I almost want to see Molly get back together with Barry. Maybe? I don't know.
Sally, I can understand how you would find traveling now more of a challenge. It's not like the old days when people used to get dressed up to fly and the airlines didn't try to cram so many people in. But I find ways to make the best of it. I was most worried this time because of my knee. It's okay unless I'm getting up or sitting down. I had an aisle seat and was concerned about having to get up to let the people in the other two seats out. I discovered that I could slide my legs under the arm rest so didn't have to get up and down. The funny thing is that they didn't even get up.
Molly has a lot going on in ONE FOR THE HOOKS. I hope you enjoy it.
Comment vanished ??? Try again : I have been having horrible knee problems--actually going to hire some cleaning and laundry help. I have been trying some acupuncture, which has helped my back a bit, but knees are worse. I HAVE to keep driving, so I have a real dread of knee surgery.
Keep writing--I love your books, Casey and of course Molly and Barry have always been my favorites. When does ONE FOR THE HOOKS come out? I have started the new series, but just had to laugh when the friendly cop showed up in the writers class ! Do we see a pattern here ? The wonderful descriptions of Chicago are great.
No one can ever replace Molly, hope there will be contracts for more books.
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