Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Sorry I didn't post something sooner, but as I said last week I’m having computer problems.  Bad news: they've gotten a bit worse.  Good news: I should get some Geek Squad help today.

Meanwhile, Happy September everyone. And please wish me luck with my computers.


Sally Morrison said...

I am a big fan of the Geek Squad. They are totally worth the money. Good luck and good karma to you as you slay your computer problems.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks so much, Sally. Our visit from a Geek Squad member was very helpful, and I know he fixed some things. Now, I just need to try to use all the advice he gave!

Betty Hechtman said...

I'm glad you got it worked out.

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Love you.
Cya soon.