Friday, August 27, 2021

The Breaking Point

 It seems like everything is breaking.  First it was a bathtub faucet and a sewer pipe, toilets, hot water heaters, then it was my vacuum cleaner, a tower fan and finally my desktop computer.

It was like I used the computer in the afternoon and when I went back to it later, it refused to load Windows and all got was a black screen with a blinding cursor that wouldn't do anything.  I had a feeling the end was coming as it has been doing a lot of weird stuff lately, like freezing and  programs not opening.  But I thought I would get some kind of warning, like a blue screen that said there was an error.  

Luckily, I'd been concerned about the computer dying and had gotten everything backed up by Dropbox.  I also have a backup hard drive, but I'm not so sure it worked.  So, it seems the only thing I lost was the last thing I typed which was the beginning of the next Writer for Hire book.  It was only a page or so and I can recreate it.

The real problem is that the computer that died had Windows 7 on it and a familiar version of Word and WordPerfect.  Now there's no choice but to deal with Windows 10 and a new version of Word,and Wordperfect    I am probably making more out of it than it is.  I have Windows 10 on the laptop I use for the family business stuff and my laptop is a Mac with a different version of Word than I had on the dead computer.

There was another problem.  In order to switch out the dead computer for a new desktop, I had to sort through piles of papers that made impossible to get to all the plugs ad cables.  I did all that today and for the first time in I can't remember, I can see  the actual desk.

It's the first time I've dealt with computer stuff without having my brother for advice.  He's the one who set me up with the first one in the 80s when there was DOS and gray screens and almost no memory.  He turned me on to WordPerfect and when I tried to understand why a computer was better than a typewriter, he said it was like the difference between doing the dog paddle and flying.  

I went to Costco and bought the desktop they had on sale.  There was only one left, which I hope is a good sign.  Tomorrow I will take out out the old one and set up the new one.  Then comes dealing with software.  There are no disks anymore.  It's all downloads.  I expect some frustration and then learning to deal with the new versions of everything.  But that's life these days.  Everting keeps changing.  

In the meantime I'm relying on the MacBook for writing.  It's amazing what you can adjust to.  I have started reading on my phone- something I never thought I would do, but when I get lost in the content, it doesn't seem to matter.  American Airlines has taken away the seatback screens on most of their plans and they offer entertainment, but you have to provide the device.  I have watched numerous movies on my phone while flying and just like with reading, once I'm involved with the content, the size of the screen doesn't seem to matter.

It seems like the only choice is to go with the flow and keep adjusting to the latest changes.  


Linda D Osborn said...

Oh my, sounds like my house. If one thing goes out, two more will follow. Yesterday it was the air conditioner in my car--just started throwing out hot air no matter what I tried. I have several days coming up with doctor visits, so I really can't go sit at the auto repair until about 2 weeks from now. Misery at it's best ! I managed to switch to Windows 10 with no problem, so if I can, anyone can....

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, sorry about your car air conditioner. Hopefully you can park in the shade. Isn't it funny about things seeming to goi in 3s. If we had a third water heater, it probably would have gone out.

I am sure I will be able to adjust to Windows 10. I already have been using it one one laptop, though since I only deal with Quickbooks on that computer, not that much. In anticipation of setting up the new desktop now that I have cleared away all the papers, I looked around Windows 10 and found out that you can have Word free online. I will buy it for the new computer, but good to know. And added benefit is that I'm feeling more kindly toward the Maxbook Air. I really like the idea of being able to work anywhere with whatever going on.

Going through all the stuff on my computer desk was like an archeological dig. The best thing I found was an old (1992) birthday card from my mother telling me how lucky she felt to have gotten me as a daughter.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I wish you the best, Betty. I had problems with my old version of Word and upgraded, and I'm having all sorts of problems learning the new one and getting other compatible programs that work with it. Help is on the way, I think, but I'm not optimistic about how long it'll take me.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I don't know why they don't leave Word alone. I haven't gotten that far with the new computer yet. I set it up but after removing the old one and tripping over cords while I tried to set up the new one I just couldn't face setting up mail, getting new versions of the programs had. I had a headache and decided t go old school and read a print magazine. It's going to take me a while to use it for writing. I'm glad I have my laptop.

chkntza said...

Congratulations on your new computer. I hope all works out for you. I feel the same way about reading on my nook and watching tv on my laptop. Once I get into the story I don't really mind what device I am reading or watching on. I hope you get a break from things breaking down now.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, yes I would like a breaking from things breaking. I am easing into the new computer. I had to fuss around with the speakers dnd getting the task bar to show up where I could see it. Now comes putting in the programs. It is nice to have my laptop to use until I get it straight about the new version of word. It's hard enough to write something without spending forever trying to figure out how to double space. The good thing is that I feel good that I was able to take out the old one and put in the new one. I know I will feel great when I deal with all the software. I actually already feel relieved I've gotten this far. I knew the old one's days were numbered and I was dreading starting all the switching around. Now I look forward to finishing.

I am still amazed at how we adjust to watching a movie on a phone screen and not really noticing how small it is.