Friday, October 29, 2021

Back Home

 Flying is returning to normal, or the new version of normal.  No more being handed a tiny bottle of water and a sanitizing wipe.  There is actual beverage service and the wipe handout seems to be a sometimes thing.  Businesses at the airport still seem to be on a reduced mode, but there are lots of people flying. Both ways my plane was packed.

I can only speak for American Airlines, but they have almost completely eliminated seat back screens for entertainment.  Now you have to download an app and bring your own device (phone, table or computer) to watch it on.  The entertainment selection offered seems to have diminished and there was nothing that interested me.  It seems like the passengers have gotten more inconsiderate in general.  On several flights lately, the people next to me have turned off my reading light. Someone else crammed their bag in front of mine in the overhead making it impossible to get to my bag. As I was getting ready to deplane on the way home, a twenty something woman several rows up had her mask pulled down and said she didn't care if she died.  The plane was on the ground and flight attendants no long patrolling so there was no one to object.  It's real simple, if you aren't willing to wear a mask, don't fly. 

I was all geared up to plow ahead with working on Writer for Hire book#3 and to update my website, but life intervened and I have been taking care of my grandson all week.  But all is not lost.  He likes to watch Youtube shows and I always sit with him and make comments about them, which I'm not sure he appreciates.  Seeing the structure of them  is turning out to be research for what I'm working on.  

My trip already seems a distant memory.  I have an author luncheon coming up in a week and I need to figure out what I'm going to talk about. I'm the only mystery author.  I just want to have something interesting to say and not to show my nerves.  Not sure if I'll have to wear a mask.  It's been a long time since I've done anything like it.  This event was postponed from last year.  

And in between Halloween.


Linda D Osborn said...

It's good to hear you have safely navigated the skies again !! It has been a couple of years for me, but I hope to visit my baby great-granddaughters in the spring.
You pointed out somethings SO important--watching and commenting on things Jakey watches. A little explanation really helps a child make sense of what they see and hear on line and TV. It's like reading to them, the time and direct attention you give makes an important impression.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I absolutely agree about commenting on what Jakey watches with him. It's not just passive watching and it helps him see what some of the YouTube things really are-- a sneaky device for selling stuff. Also it sets up talking with him, which I love. It's getting to know who he is. Yesterday, we sat at the kitchen table, no TV and we talked while he did art work.

By spring, flying should be even easier as the airlines and airports get used to the increased demand.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I was just flying too, and it wound up being okay--on Southwest. But yes, masking was essential. Plus, I got a coupon for an alcoholic beverage on each of the flights but of course no alcoholic beverages are even allowed, let alone being served.

Enjoy your mystery luncheon!