Wednesday, November 17, 2021

More Stuff Going On


           Last week I posted about having a cold. I still have that cold. It’s improved but it’s still there. Darn.

           And this week, I’m having trouble writing. I like to use my old computer for a lot of reasons, but I’ve been told it’s on its last legs—or whatever it is that computers walk on. Right now, I’m using a subscription to Microsoft 365 to write, since one of my editors told me months ago that my using a very old version of Word was messing up their system when they tried to work with me on redlined changes to a manuscript. I moved on up and am still having issues learning to use 365. Plus, I’ve had some problems with it. And yesterday my old computer started telling me that it doesn’t believe I have a subscription to 365, so it stopped working.

           And trying to get advice from Microsoft? It can be done—for a price. But I realized I might not have to pay it if 365 worked on my newer computer that I use some but not a lot. Well, looks like I’ll have to use it even more, since it appears that 365 works on it. 

          Meanwhile, I’m still letting people know about my latest release: UNCOVERING COLTON’S FAMILY SECRET, my latest Harlequin Romantic Suspense, the tenth in their Coltons of Grave Gulch series. Doing it online, though, as I’d been doing anyway with the pandemic going on. Yay, social media! 

          I’m also still considering attending Malice Domestic next year but am now hesitating as much because I haven’t gotten the latest rundown on reserving a room at the hotel. When I called for information, I was told that the conference rate was only available until November 4, never mind that the conference isn’t till April. I’m still looking into it.  

        Another factor is that the L.A. Times Festival of Books is starting up again next year--and, yes, it's the same weekend as Malice.

          Right now I’m also letting people know more about how my first mysteries, the Kendra Ballantyne Pet-Sitter mysteries, are becoming available one at a time as ebooks. So far, SIT, STAY SLAY, NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FERRETS, FINE-FEATHERED DEATH, MEOW IS FOR MURDER, and, I think, THE FRIGHT OF THE IGUANA are available as ebooks. And watch for DOUBLE DOG DARE. 

          And now I need to get busy writing again—on my new computer.


Betty Hechtman said...

I understand about switching computers. I didn't want Office 365 and actually purchased Office.

I was thinking about going to some writers' conference next year as well. I haven't been to any for a few years. It;s crazy about the Malice hotel ending the conference rate Nov 4. Sorry your cold isn't gone.

chkntza said...

The best news is that the LA Times book fair is coming back!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Maybe I should look into Office or something else, although I'm getting a bit more used to 365 as time goes on. Sorry I didn't check things out on Killer Hobbies for most of this week. Somehow I got occupied in other stuff!
I've registered for Malice and have been told there will be more news forthcoming about the hotel. Hope I hear something soon.
And my cold has finally improved, at least some.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I agree, chkntza, although since I've now registered for Malice I'll most likely miss the LA Times Festival. :(