Friday, May 27, 2022

Closing in on the Finish

 I feel bleary eyed.  It's almost six in the evening and I have been either at my computer rewriting or reading ahead in a hard copy and making notes about changes since eight this morning.  The end is in sight, though I will probably need a few extra days past the Monday deadline for the manuscript.  It will be such a relief to hit send.  

And it isn't like I've been on a writers' retreat all week with nothing else to deal with.  Monday was spent dealing with or latest plumbing issue.  The line was power washed and the plumbers left, only to have to return a few hours later when a bunch of sludge showed up in a shower.  

The first ripe tomatoes appeared on my backyard plants.  There is nothing like home grown tomatoes.  I love the dusty smell and how sweet they are. Due to the drought, I only have a couple of pots of tomatoes and a few of flowers. Though some wild ones with pink flowers that I call Molly Pinks are growing on their own in the yard.  I look at them as a gift.

I feel like I have blinders on.  I keep moving ahead with the manuscript barely dealing with emails with a book cover for a big print version of ONE FOR THE HOOKS and another email letting me know ONE FOR THE HOOKS will be a special deal on Amazon for all of June.

All my PR stuff is on hold.  When  stop working on the manuscript for the day, I need to zone out for awhile and watch an old sit-com.

I am grateful to be working on a computer.  I would be in misery if I was using an old fashioned typewriter for all this.  And I am getting to one of the parts that was most fun to write and hopefully will be the same when I go over it.  

The plumber asked me if I had plans for the holiday weekend.  Ha!  It's just me and my manuscript. 


Linda O. Johnston said...

Good luck with finishing your manuscript, Betty. I empathize with how stressful that can be!

Linda Osborn said...

You can do it !! You always come through on time !!
Meanwhile, you can start thinking about getting Casey and Dane on their first overnight, and ...what is Molly going to tell Mason ??? Interesting bits to chew on.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda O. Johnston, thanks for the understanding. I wake up dreaming about what I want t change.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I already have been thinking about all those characters and what they're up to. I am taping some episodes of Windy City Rehab. Thanks for the suggestion.

chkntza said...

As a reader I am going to enjoy your books and I appreciate all the hard work that goes into writing and publishing a book. I'm catching up so I just bought three new Betty Hechtman books to continue the series. All my books up until now are paperback size. I love seeing them on my shelf. Two of the books that came today were different. One is hardback and one is a large paperback. I'm going to love them and they will sit proudly on my shelf.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, thanks for being such a loyal reader. I am honored to be on your shelf!