Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Lots Going On



First of all, I’m finally about to send in the manuscript for CSI COLTON AND THE WITNESS, one of my new books to be published in November, a Harlequin Romantic Suspense in the Colton series. 

I also received copies of THE SOLDIER’S K-9 MISSION, which I had no idea was going to be published. Or republished. It’s a new version of my book SECOND CHANCE SOLDIER, one of my K-9 Ranch Rescue stories for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. It’s my second book for them that’s been republished to stress some of the K-9 angles in it, with a wonderful new cover that shows—yes—dogs. I’m delighted but need to figure out how best to promote it. It’ll be available in April. 

And I’ll soon actually need to start writing the fourth story in my Shelter of Secrets series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. Can’t tell you much about it yet, but I know what the basics of the plot will be. 

            Plus, Happy Post-Valentine’s Day! As part of my celebration, three of my older time-travel romances, now ebooks, have been made available on Amazon for the reduced price of $1.99, though I’m not sure for how long.  They’re ONCE A CAVALIER, THE BALLAD OF JACK O’DAIR, and THE GLASS SLIPPER.  

Later this week I’ll be visiting the new Toothsome Chocolate Emporium and Savory Feast Kitchen at Universal City Walk for the first time, with family. Looking forward to it. I do like chocolate!


Patty said...

Good morning -- You do have a lot going on -- all the books sound great. And the chocolate sounds yummy!! I, too, love chocolate -- treat myself to a small piece each day. I keep a bag of Rolos and a bag of York Thin Mints in a kitchen drawer at all times. Years ago, when I was doing a bit of catering, I made chocolate cups by brushing melted chocolate onto paper liners for muffins pans, then carefully peeling the paper off the hardened chocolate. Filled them with whipped cream and shredded coconut, and topped with chocolate curls. Yum.

There was a wild rain storm last night -- pouring rain, strong winds, lightning and thunder. Didn't last too long and ended just as I was getting ready for bed but it was a bit scary.

The sliding glass door in my living room opens to the patio and beyond that is the inner courtyard of my condo complex. I see a woman walking her dog most every day and she is always on her phone -- in four years, I've never seen her not looking at it as she walks. Yesterday, her dog stopped in front of her, she wasn't paying attention and stumbled over him and fell into the bushes. Didn't seem to hurt her or the dog, thank goodness -- I'm wondering if she'll still be doing it today.

My son and I are going to see "80 for Brady" today -- I'll give you a report.

Enjoy your day.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Your chocolate diet sounds great, Patty!

It's windy and rather chilly for LA, but I know it's worse elsewhere.

Glad neither the woman nor dog seemed hurt, but sorry to hear she fell. I know what using a phone while walking can do.

And yes, please, let me know about "80 for Brady." I'm looking forward to seeing it soon.

Patty said...

Just home from the movie -- I thoroughly enjoyed it -- lots of fun. Even my son liked it. You definitely need to see it.

We made a quick stop at the grocery -- I buy Banquet frozen dinners to have when I don't want to cook just for me -- the price has gone up 60 cents each since last week. And eggs were $6.99 a dozen!! My 13-year-old grandson has a huge appetite -- he's very athletic and always hungry -- my son says their grocery bills are huge. They all like casseroles so I make one at least once a week for them -- my "chicken thing" is my grandson's favorite.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Glad to hear the movie was good! And how nice that you can cook for your grandsons. Mine live far away.

Patty said...

Me again!! Have you ever been to Hershey, PA? Great fun and great smell!! Perfect vacation spot for chocolate lovers. I bought a big squishy pillow shaped like a Hershey kiss -- a little neighbor girl loved to come over to "just enjoy looking at it," as she said, so I gave it to her, along with a bag of candy kisses. She carried the pillow everywhere!!

I moved here to Phoenix five years ago after my husband died. My grandson was eight years old then -- now he's 13 and 6' 2" tall. He's great to cook for -- eats anything and everything.

Enjoy your day -- happy writing!!

Betty Hechtman said...

You always have so much going on! I went to the Toothsome place in Universal Orlando. It was a fun atmosphere and the food was quite good, though we didn't actually have any dessert.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Oh, yes, I've been to Hershey, Patty, though not recently. I grew up in Pittsburgh,

Your grandson sounds sweet--and growing!

Linda O. Johnston said...

I didn't realize there were more Toothsome places, Betty. I enjoyed their non-chocolate food as well, and so did the others we were with who had different things.