Friday, June 30, 2023

Knot Dead Again

 I am awaiting the return of KILLER HOOKS with editorial comments. In the meantime I have been trying to get caught up on things I let go.  I have also felt freer to do things with Jakey.  I went to his first basketball practice.  I was expecting a bunch of kids who were clueless, but instead quite a few of them knew exactly how to dribble and make baskets.

We are planning a trip to Legoland and just before he goes back to school, a trip to Monterey.  It will be his first plane ride and I can 't wait to share the experience with him.  I'll use the trip to freshen my memory for the next Yarn Retreat Mystery.  

Today, I started mapping out the plot, even though when I get KILLER HOOKS back, I will set it aside temporarily.  I'm thinking of calling KNOT DEAD,AGAIN.  I'm not sure and it will depend on the input from my editor.

I like to think over all the continuing characters and what's going on with them while at the same time, thinking of the new characters and what their secrets are.  Who is a suspect and who is dead and why.  And, of course, who is the killer.  The more I know all that, the easier it is to write the book without hitting dead ends.

I have also spent the week working on the crochet project for KILLER HOOKS.  I like to try following my own written directions and see if it works.  In working on it, I realize why I like crochet so much more than that other yarn craft that shall remain nameless so that Adele won't bust into the blog and make a fuss.

It is easy to experiment with crochet because it's so easy to rip it out.  Only one tool to manage, too.   And my favorite thing about crochet is how it lends itself to making toys and things like baskets of flowers or the cactus in a pot that I made a long time ago.

I do like the other yarn craft  and will no doubt have it in the next Yarn Retreat Mystery, along with the box of yarn I got in the mail today. Lion Brand Yarn offered a mystery selection of yarn for a very reasonable price and I couldn't resist.  Now to figure out how Casey and her group can use it.

Another month gone by.  Once we get past the 4ty of July, Costco will probably bring out the Halloween stuff. 


Patty said...

Good morning -- How nice that you now have a bit of free time to spend with Jakey, doing fun things. Eons ago, when my kids were little, our favorite thing to do was a trip to William Land Park in Sacramento, feed the ducks, play in Fairytale Town, ride the ponies that trudged around in a circle, and have a picnic lunch. I remember one time, Danny kept finding golf balls. Later, I found out we'd been at the edge of the golf course and didn't realize it -- there were no doubt several golfers wondering where their balls had gone.

I got a thought of "wow, I need to check that out" when you mentioned a mystery box of yarn, then came to my senses and realized I don't need to buy more yarn. Especially a mystery box since I tend to carefully plan the color scheme for each blanket I make. A hodgepodge of yarn just isn't my thing. I certainly agree that crochet is by far the best craft. I'm making a blanket with the moss stitch and it is so easy to put the hook in the middle of a stitch rather than the chain between them -- easy to correct.

It's been years since I've been to Monterey -- such a gorgeous area of the state. When we first moved to California from Nebraska, we expected to whole state to be warm with sunshine and flowers all year long. First time we went to Santa Cruz we about froze -- the water was icy cold. We ate our lunch in the car and went back home to Palo Alto.

Highlight of my day is having the vertical blind on the sliding door repaired -- for some reason, it won't slide smoothly and is very hard to close. And of course, I'll be crocheting.

Enjoy your day --

Linda O. Johnston said...

Sounds like Jakey is growing up, Betty, and even more fun to be with. And your crocheting projects and writing are always enjoyable to hear about.

Linda D Osborn said...

Lately I seem to be looking for ways to help the less fortunate. This ranges from the little girls needing dresses in Africa, to animals in shelters. The idea of a box of assorted yarn made me think of the lap robes made for nursing homes, and then on to ...animals in cold cement cages. Maybe Casey could get a group to do a project for furry friends.

Flying with Jakey will be a blast !!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, the yarn they sent was a complete mystery until I opened the box. There were four packs of three skeins each. Three of them were neutral colors and one was a shimmering blue.

That's the thing about the Monterey area-- it's always cool. We tend to do the same thing every time we go. There's a trip to the big trees. It's the Henry Something park near Fenton. There are night time walks through Asilomar (the model for Vista Del Mar) to the beach. Point Lobos and the butterfly sanctuary depending on the time of year. Palo Alto is beautiful.

Happy crocheting!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda O. Johnston, I love watching Jakey have fun!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I think it's wonderful that you are making things for less fortunate. I think handmade things carry a special vibe and are even more of a connection. I love your idea for Casey. Thank you.