Friday, June 9, 2023

Writers Police Academy

 And the adventure continues... I spent a week in Chicago.  Being alone gave me time to concentrate on the rewrite of KILLER HOOKS.  By the time I left for Writers Police Academy, the end was in sight.  I was rested and in the the right time zone for the weekend. 

It's kind of funny but between going to the airport and the flight being late, it took me six and a half hours, but the actual flying time was 35 minutes.  I spent all 35 of them glued to the window.  We were never so high that I couldn't make out dots that were cars on the road.  I love looking out the window everywhere, but most of all from a plane.  

The arrival in Appleton was pretty amazing.  The pilot announced that there was a welcome to some veterans going on at the airport and he said we would be guided through it.  As  got off the plane, the first thing I saw was a band and a woman singing a song from the 40s.  Then I saw the people.  Hundreds and hundreds of people lined the walkway.  An area in the middle was roped off and there were people waving us on.  I ended up  walking on the red carpet just in front of the star of the movie and got all the attention meant for her.  This was even more.  People had signs saying welcome, flags and balloons.

Everything begins on Thursday.  At noon there is an array of vehicles to see and then at 2, registration.  And then an evening program.  In between, I plan to go out and see a bit of Appleton.  The hotel is on what seems to be the main street and it's lined with shops and restaurants.

Friday and Saturday will be spent in Green Bay at the host technical college where there will interesting speakers on things like crime scenes and how to save somebody with Narcan.  An intense two days and then it's home with notes and memories.

I haven't been to a writers gathering in awhile and I forgot how nice it is to be  in a group of them again.  I sat with a table of strangers at breakfast and by the end, had made friends.

The room where the breakfast was held reminded me of the last time I was here for WPA and how a mere passing with another writer, changed things for me.  It probably sounds trivial, but I noticed that she had leggings under a regular dress and I went aha, I can do that.  And that's what I've done ever since.  I'm actually wearing leggings and a T-shirt dress as  write this.  It was a surprise benefit of that trip.  Will something like that happen this time?


Patty said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you've had a very interesting week -- red carpet star treatment!!

I, too,, love looking out the window of a plane, especially when flying over a patchwork of fields -- looks like an amazing quilt.

It's warming up here so there's lots of inside time with the a/c on and crocheting to do. My daughter asked me how many blankets I've made over the years. I've made one a week for at least 40 years -- that's 2,080, Three skeins of yarn per blanket = 6,240 skeins; 397 yards per skein = 2,477,280 yards; 1,760 yards per mile = 1,407 miles of yarn used!!

Appleton sounds like a pretty town -- I've been to Wisconsin a couple times -- gorgeous state.

Glad the rewrite of "Killer Hooks" is going well -- do you have an anticipated publication date?

Enjoy your week --

Patty said...

Me again -- just had a text from my son. He went to a coffee shop this morning and two women were crocheting. He commented on it and they were surprised -- said most people thought they were knitting. He told them his mom had crocheted for many years -- when he was a little guy, he'd help me pick out yarn with the same dye lot. Thank goodness lots of yarns don't have dye lots anymore. He also told them I made blankets for Project Linus and they said they'd check that out.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, That is an impressive amount of blankets. Think of all thise people who are warn and snuggly because of you.

I am hooked on looking out the window of whatever. Today, it was the school buss that took us to Green Bay.

I think KILLER HOOKS will come out this summer.

Your sound sounds like he is very proud of his mother. Always nice.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Sounds like quite an enjoyable trip so far for many reasons, Betty. Hope it continues to be fun and informational.