Friday, July 14, 2023

A Summer Treat

 KILLER HOOKS is one step closer to publication.  I turned in the  edits and now its on to the cover and then the proof pages.  I always have mixed feelings about letting a manuscript go.  No more chances to change something, but it will be out in the world.

Even though I still have some work on KILLER HOOKS, I am already moving on to the next Casey book.  I have been mulling over ideas for characters.  

But I put all on hold yesterday and we took Jakey to Legoland.  It was all of ours first time there.  It began with a long drive of about two and a half hours.  I didn't do the driving leaving me free to do what I love--look out the window.  We took the 405 and a lot of it is familiar, but I never get tired of looking at the mountainsides as we go through the Sepulveda Pass.  I like to watch the planes flying low over the freeway just before they land at LAX.

Then there was the reminder of mystery weekend I spent at hotel in El Segundo as we passed the place, now with a new name.  It was lots of fun.  We all had parts and dressed up in costumes.  We passed lots more familiar scenery until we got down the coast to where the expanse of blue water replaced the city sprawl.  There is a lot of military stuff and it was so cool to watch a helicopter hover over the ground practicing a rescue.  Or I think that's what it was.  There was something hanging down from it and we had moved on before I could see the end result.  There were a bunch of soldiers practicing something with a bunch of vehicles and light colored buildings with openings.

Once we were off the freeway and had turned into the road leading to Legoland, there were big Lego greeters on the side of the road,  hinting at the fun ahead.

The park itself is different than  other amusement parks like Disneyland and Universal.  It is really designed for kids.  I just wanted to smile the whole time there, except maybe when I realized how tired I was.  Everything was in bright colors and had a touch of humor.  I can't speak for the rides because I didn't go on any and Jakey only went on one.  He likes things were he's part of the action.  So his time was spent in the wonderful play areas spread through the place and in the waterpark.  The one ride he did go on was interactive, too.  He got to drive a Lego car. There's no track, so he really was driving it.  Obviously, they don't go very fast and they have helpers to straighten out things like hitting the curb, which Jakey did a bunch of times.

While the really hot weather has come to Tarzana, it was pleasantly perfect there.  Hot in the sun, but cool and breezy in the shade.

There's a cool area called Minilands  It's all Lego built recreations of various cities with no details left out--the Las Vegas one even has a couple walking out of a wedding chapel.

 And a lot of places where kids can take a break and build something with bins of Lego pieces.

It was harder to see out the window on the way home since it was dark.  Still I liked looking at all the twinkling lights on the hillsides on one side of the road and the open darkness I knew was the ocean on the otherside.  If the military people would doing any more practices, it was invisible to me.  

We got home after midnight.  A long, but fun day!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Legoland sounds like so much fun!! Where is it located? I remember driving bumper cars at an amusement park when I was a little girl -- long time ago!! There was lots of running into other cars and curbs. There was also a hall of mirrors, that I hated but the kids I was with always wanted to go through -- I almost felt sick not being able to quickly find my way out. I'm still that way -- I like to know where I am and where I'm going.

It has been so beastly hot here -- and no end in sight. I stocked up on groceries so wouldn't have to go out often -- maybe every other week.

I remember flying to San Diego and the airport was fogged in so our plane had to land at Miramar Naval Air Station -- that was a little spooky with all the jets swooping in. My brother was career Navy -- aboard the aircraft carrier Coral Sea most of the time. He wasn't a pilot but went up a few times -- he said it was a strange feeling to have the pilot let go of the controls and the plane basically landed itself on the carrier -- he was told that was actually safer than the pilot having control. Sort of like driverless cars nowadays, though I certainly wouldn't want to be in one on the freeway, let alone a city street.

I'm looking forward to the next crochet mystery book. Do you belong to a group like the Tarzana Hookers? I did in my little Texas town -- most of what we did was given to the local hospital, and to Meals on Wheels to give as holiday gifts to shut-ins. On my own, I donated to Cook Children's Hospital in Ft. Worth. Here in Phoenix, there's no group really close to me so I work on my own and take a stash to the Project Linus drop-off every other month.

I plan lots of crocheting today, as always. Have six rows and the edging to finish a big granny square blanket.

Enjoy your day --

Miss Merry said...

We are lucky to live a short drive from a well-known amusement park in the Northwest. I have passes for myself and grandchildren and we visit often. I have never ridden a ride, I just enjoy the people watching, lovely gardens, the excitement of my grandchildren who do ride things and also like the play areas, the numerous musical showcases throughout the park, the lights and the colors. It sounds like you had a terrific day!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, it's good that you are staying inside. The heat must be overwhelming. It's hot here, but not terrible. I flew from L.A. to San Diego once and the plan took off and a few minutes later ws getting ready to land. I can imagine it would seem weird to give up the controls to land on an aircraft carrier.

I was part of a yarn group, but the pandemic killed it and I haven't looked for another one. We were together for a long time and it was always nice. But there wasn't as much going on in my life then.

It's so nice that your donate so much. I am sure it is appreciated.

Betty Hechtman said...

Miss Merry. I like the people watching too. I do sometimes go on rides at Disneyland. I like the train and the River boat. I have never found scary rides fun.

It was a really nice day. I was the watcher if the stuff, so everyone could go where they wanted.

Linda Osborn said...

Looking forward to Molly even more now--l broke my leg again. Last time it took 3 months in hospital. I was so shocked and sad and am certainly hoping for shorter healing.

Patty said...

To Linda -- So sorry you broke your leg -- I certainly hope it heals faster this time. Do you have handwork you can do?

Take care --


Linda O. Johnston said...

Sounds as if your visit to Legoland was a lot of fun, Betty! I'll have to give it a try someday when family is visiting.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, it is a great place to take younger kids because the rides are meant for them.