Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Romance Writers of America National Conference

I wrote this before leaving for the conference, but my arrival time there, in Anaheim, will be early afternoon today. I’ve spent some time getting ready, putting together everything to take along including some books to sell at the book signing on Saturday, although a bookstore in charge of inventory will have some others, plus I’ve been packing, organizing, printing my schedule… yes, pretty much what I generally do to prepare for a conference.

As I mentioned before, on Thursday I’ll be on a panel called “Slow, Steady or Rapid-Release: Which Career Path Works for You?” My fellow panelists and I will discuss our decisions about, yes, our careers and how we approached them. We’ve discussed it a bit before but need to get together there before our speaking time to go over what we plan to say.

So am I having fun at the conference at the moment you read this? Hope so, but I doubt I’ll be able to respond to any comments for awhile.

            Yes, I hope this conference is as fun as I anticipate!


Patty said...


Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I hope you enjoy it. Nice not to have to travel so far.