Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Home Again

          I’ve returned from the Romance Writers of America National Conference and have been home for a few days.

Was it a fun conference? Yes! It was quite different from the old RWA conferences, though--as anticipated.

For one thing, major publishers didn’t have a presence. I anticipated that, but it still felt different.

I did see some long-time writer friends there, but not as many as I used to. There were a lot of newbies there, both published and those who hoped to get published.

Did I enjoy it? Yes. I think the panel I was on that I previously mentioned, “Slow, Steady or Rapid-Release: Which Career Path Works for You?” came across well. I certainly enjoyed it, and our audience seemed to as well.

 I also went to a number of other presentations and panels, enjoying some more than others but in general had fun with them.

The booksigning also went well, and I did sell quite a few of my romantic suspense books that I brought along.

And now that I’m home, I’ve found that being there, with other writers and hearing what they had to say, has inspired me to get even busier with my own writing.

Next year, RWA will be in Austin. Will I attend? Not sure.

And I’m now awaiting another conference, this time one devoted to mysteries: Bouchercon, which will be in San Diego the end of August and beginning of September.


Betty Hechtman said...

I haven't been to an RWA conference for years. I didn't realize it had changed. Are there still editors there to pitch to? I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Some people did pitches, Betty, but I don't know who they pitched to. I wasn't aware of any publishers there. I guess the conferences changed because RWA changed but I was there more for the camaraderie and panels than seeing editors. Thanks!

Patty said...

Glad you had a good time. If you do go to Austin next year, and it is this time of year, it will be hot and muggy. Austin in a great city -- in a beautiful part of the state. If you have time for sightseeing, go to the Bob Bullock Museum -- amazing.

My son and I just ran -- well, drove -- to Trader Joe's. They always have the freshest vegetables. It is so miserably hot out -- 118. We made a quick trip across the parking lot and got into the air conditioned store, then back to the car ASAP.

Did your dogs miss you? And did the dog sitter take good care of them?

Enjoy the rest of your -- happy writing!!

Linda O. Johnston said...

I've been to Austin, Patty, and really enjoyed it, but just not sure about the conference next year.

I really like TJ's and a lot of their foods, including salads--and wines. Glad you made it safely without getting too hot. When I came back from my last visit there my husband asked if the wine had been refrigerated since it was chilly--thanks to the store's AC!

My husband was home with the pups while I was at the conference, although I had to teach him before I left how to feed Roxie.

Enjoy the rest of your day too.