Friday, July 21, 2023

The Heat is On

 It's getting closer with KILLER HOOKS.  I have the proof pages to go over and we have working on the cover.  As soon as we have the cover, I'll update my website.  I think the book will come out in September.

Meanwhile, the heat is on.  After a very long cool, cloudy spell, the sun is out and the sky is blue.  I like to sit outside in the morning and have my coffee.  It's usually cool then, but this morning it was already eighty and the little bit of sun that touched my skin felt scorching.  I finished the cup inside.  Despite what the news people say (have you noticed how they portray everything as being terrible), it is really just summer weather in the San Fernando Valley.  Last year it was worse because we had constant monsoon moisture which made it more uncomfortable.

I really think all the talk about how hot it is, makes people feel more uncomfortable.   It's a good time for lighter food.  One thing I really like about all the online stuff is that I read about things I never thought of.  There is something called Pocket that puts up stories from various sources.  Some you can't read without a subscription, or they'll let you read a few before trying to get you to pay.  It was not the case with some stories about sandwiches which were free to read.  Two of the stories interested me.  One was about tomato sandwiches which apparently is a southern thing.  I was inspired enough to buy a bunch of tomatoes yesterday at Costco.  My plant outside has been producing delicious ones for salads, but they are too small for a sandwich.  The article talked about beefsteak tomatoes where the slice would take up the whole piece of bread.  My Costco ones are not that big, so I'll have to improvise.  The article called for soft white bread, but I'm going to use brioche bread.  I will slather it in mayonnaise and let the tomato slices sit with seasoning for a few minutes before I put together the sandwich.

The other sandwich that intrigued me was a Japanese fruit sandwich.  I'm definitely going to try it with a few changes.  The brioche bread will stand in for the milk bread the recipe called for.  It called for whipped cream, but I'm thinking of trying it with cream cheese.  The fruit is strawberries arranged.  The whipped cream probably makes it more of a dessert sandwich.

It's a different world than when I was a kid and the idea of making a sandwich with strawberries would have been just too weird.  In my head at least, there were rules about what mixed with what and something sweet didn't belong in savory things.  I chuckle at how I add strawberries to salad now.  I helped my mother make dinner by making the salad.  It was iceberg lettuce, grated carrots and maybe some tomatoes and cucumber.  Nothing like what I make now.  I use all kinds of baby lettuce and spinach, green onions, olives, little peppers, tomatoes, avocado and whatever else I can find like strawberries, feta cheese and mushrooms.

And the olives.  There were two kinds when I was a kid.  The green ones with the pimento pieces, which I didn't like and the black ones that had been processed to death.   I sort of liked the black ones, though it wasn't something we had often. Now I love olives of all kinds except for the one I picked off a tree.  They have to get something done to them to be edible.  It makes me wonder how somebody figured that out.  And thanks to the Internet I can probably find out.  


Patty said...

Good morning -- Glad to hear the next Molly book will be out soon -- Looking forward to that.

I just finished watering the patio plants -- have to do it every day with this heat. It is always hot in Phoenix in the summer but this year is exceptionally hot. My son says his swimming pool is warm as bath water.

Staying in with the a/c on, I've made a lot of blankets this month -- working on a deep pink with stripes of a variegated pink. Drop-off day for Project Linus is the 29th.

I grew up in Nebraska and we had tomato sandwiches frequently -- Wonder bread, Miracle Whip and a big slice of Grandpa's beefsteak tomatoes -- probably a sprinkle of salt. Salad was iceberg lettuce, diced tomato, maybe a bit of sliced radish and Miracle Whip -- I don't remember ever using any other kind of dressing.

I make a grilled sandwich of potato bread, thin sliced turkey, tomato slices and colby/jack cheese -- delicious. Just yesterday, my son mentioned I hadn't made that sandwich is quite a while -- will get ingredients next trip to the grocery.

News talking about the 'Barbie' movie -- I hadn't heard of it before. When I was a little girl, a doll called Terri Lee was the Barbie of that period. A great-aunt and her daughter were professional dressmakers -- they made my Terri Lee a gorgeous wardrobe. I specifically remember an aqua wool coat with tiny silver ball buttons -- I had the best-dressed doll around!!

Need to do a few household chores, then settle in with crocheting.

Enjoy your day --

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, Ginny dolls were the big deal when I was growing up. A whole wardrobe was available for her, including glasses. I had the doll but there was no money for the clothes. But it turned out well because I taught myself how to sew and used the material from a pink baby outfit thet had been mine, but never worn because my mother said it had something that went over the hands. My creation weren't beautiful, but I was proud of them.

Now I have a whole collection of dolls including a recent incarnation of Ginny, Barbie the Detective and Barbie the veterinarian and even some Star Trek Characters.

Patty said...

I just googled "Terri Lee doll" and came up with information I never knew before -- the doll was modeled after a 4-year-old girl in Lincoln, NE where I lived. Had no idea!! Aunt Elizabeth and Velma Dean made such gorgeous clothes -- even made matching outfits for me and my doll. I was stylin'!! Fun memories.

Sally Morrison said...

Nothing like a fresh tomato sandwich in the summer. I like to use thicker bread as well. But I understand native Southerners like the soft white bread. To each his own. Hope yours was delicious.

We are in the depths of heat here in Florida. Of course it is generally hot in the summer but this year it has been super hot. I've been in the AC and in the pool a bit. Thankful that I have those options.

Have a great weekend.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, i tried the tomato sandwich on the brioche bread with the Japanese Mayo. It was amazing! I think the Southern version uses Wonder Bread. Not a fan. It's too white, too squishy for me and seems artificial. Do you remember Silvercup bread from Chicago? It was like Wonder Bread.

The heat with a humidity has to be bad. You probably get languid nights. Here, it always cools off. Stay cool!

chkntza said...

When I was little my mom made lettuce tomato and mayonniase sandwiches on toast. She used challah. It was delicious.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Congrats on your pub date growing closer, Betty. And I'm having fun dealing with the San Fernando Valley heat too, with my dogs. Enjoy your sandwiches!

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, I'll have to try toasting the bread and adding lettuce. Challah is always a good choice.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, the heat in the western Valley just got worse. I like to have coffee in my yard in the morning, as it's usually pleasantly cool. It was already warm this morning. Thank heavens for AC. I still have to try the strawberry sandwich. Maybe today.