Friday, July 7, 2023

Killer Hooks


 I got the edits for KILLER HOOKS  today and was happy and relieved that my editor said he loved the manuscript. It's the first Molly book he's worked on and first time he's met Adele.  She's in full form in this book, causing havoc with a new business venture which she pulls Molly into.    He had a few suggestions which I'm fine with.  So, tomorrow  (actually today since I'm writing this Thursday night) I will dive in and go through it.

We discussed a cover and hopefully I will see something soon.  I've been getting emails lately asking about another Molly book and will be glad when I can tell them when it's up for pre-order. 

In the meantime, I  taste tested the recipe for Eggy Squares which I'm including in the book.  I  also worked on the crochet pattern.  And spent time with Jakey at his basketball practice.  He has been here a lot lately.  He is really skinny, but is constantly hungry.  It's like 24 hour room service around here.  Thank heavens for a big bag of frozen chicken nuggets from Costco and a bottle of Chik Filet sauce.  If he's like this at six, what will he be like when he's a teenager?

I thought of offering him an Eggy Square, but t has spinach in it and he's not a vegetable fan.

He just started liking oranges which is great since the fruit on our trees is finally sweet.  I have almost ripe peaches on a potted tree.  They are kind of small, but taste sweet.  My tomato plant is suddenly covered with red orbs that I'm using in salad.  I love eating our own produce.  The only one not producing is a strawberry plant.  It keeps getting leaves, but that's all.

 I keep saying KILLER HOOKS will be out later this summer, but July is already beginning to slip by.    Costco already has the Halloween costumes out.  I  know because we went there today and Jakey staked out a ninja costume.  He did look pretty cute in it when we got home.  

It was actually like a clash of seasons at Costco.  They still have the fruit trees and camping stuff out, but the rack of bathing suits was  next to the Halloween costumes which were near the back to school stuff.  How long until the Christmas trees show up.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Glad to hear the next Molly book will be out soon -- I'm looking forward to it. Also looking forward to the Eggy Squares -- looks like it might be similar to the Spinach Bread I make. It isn't really a bread -- just a thin Bisquick shell filled with an egg, spinach and cheese mixture.

Jake sounds like my grandson -- a bottomless pit when it comes to food. Henry loves chicken nuggets and mac & cheese. His sauce favorite is anything hot and spicy -- he can eat sauces that just take my breath away with their smell. He also eats asparagus and broccoli but doesn't like corn.

It's been so hot here -- always expect heat in a Phoenix summer but this is hotter than usual. The forecast for the next week has temps no lower than 111 in the daytime with a couple 117s predicted. The monsoon season, when we get the most rain of the year, is from June 15 to Sept. 30 but so far, not a drop. There was a heavy snowfall in the mountains last winter so there's lots of runoff but it's bone dry here at the moment. I water patio plants as needed and am frugal with water usage.

I am getting lots of crocheting done -- good to do with the a/c on every day. Just finished a moss stitch blanket and am about two-thirds done with a cross stitch. My daughter wants a long, narrow scarf so I work on that, too. It won't be needed until cool weather so no rush.

Today is lawn mowing day -- the noise has started. The guys wear hooded sweatshirts to work, even in this heat. Looks miserable to me.

Enjoy your day.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, the past few summers, we have been getting some of that monsoon moisture that backs up from the desert. But not this year. So far, it has been perfect weather.. Just the right amount of warmth in the days and almost chilly evenings. Though it's supposed to heat up next week.

I'll have to check out the moss stitch. It's great that you can turn your inside time into something three dimensional. Happy crocheting.

Sally Morrison said...

I have five grandsons and when they come over, they clean out the kitchen. I'm having four of them overnight this weekend and just came home with groceries. I'll have to go back to the store on Monday for refills. :) However, enjoy it. Grandkids seem to grow up faster than their parents.

Meanwhile, I'm really looking forward to the new Molly book. Good luck on your rewrites and such. Happy Weekend!

Patty said...

The moss stitch is super simple --

Ch an even number of sts

Row 1 - Sc in 4th ch from hook, *ch 1, sk 1 ch, sc in next ch, repeat from * across.

Row 2 - Ch 2, turn Sc in ch-1 sp, *ch 1, sk 1 sc, sc in next ch-1 sp, repeat from * across.

Repeat row 2 for pattern.

It looks good in solid colors or variegated. My daughter, who doesn't crochet, said "Wow, that looks really intricate." I like that -- easy to do but looks hard!!


Linda O. Johnston said...

Congrats on your good news about edits, Betty. Nice that your plants are producing some fruit. Our lime tree is dying, and although a lot of peaches have appeared on that tree the squirrels have gotten them first!

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, having four grandsons over, wow. Good plan to go back for refills of groceries. You are right that they seem to grow up faster than their parents. Enjoy your kid filled weekend.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, thanks for sending the instructions for the moss stitch. I will try it later.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, sorry about your lime tree. When we moved in here, my husband insisted on a lime tree, but now has no interest in the fruit. I know what you mean about squirrels, but this year there don't seem to be any in the yard. I did see a rabbit trying to get a peach though. It seems like this year I will actually be able to eat the fruit, though they are small. The skin is kind of furry, but the insides are sweet even before the peaches get soft.

chkntza said...

Great news about the new Molly book.
Thanks, Patty, for the crochet directions. I plan on doing it too.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, I'm just putting the final touches on the edits. I can't wait to see what kind of a cover they come up with. I really enjoyed being back in Molly World.

chkntza said...

I'm going to enjoy reading it.

Patty said...

I noticed I left out a period after the word "turn" in the second row of the moss stitch instructions. Punctuation does matter!!