Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Looking Forward a Bit

          Yes, I’m looking forward a bit right now, till next week and not very far in the future. But next week, just starting around now, I’ll be at the Romance Writers of America National Conference, in Anaheim this year. I’ll be on a panel there called “Slow, Steady or Rapid-Release: Which Career Path Works for You?” My fellow panelists and I will discuss our decisions about, yes, our careers and how we approached them: multiple books, or just one or a few, traditional publishing or self-publishing, and more. Hopefully, it’ll be fun.

And I intend to at least bring along the manuscript I’ve been working on so if I get any spare time I can work on edits.

I’ll miss my pups--and, oh yes, my husband too. He’ll be in charge of the dogs. Or will they be in charge of him?

Meanwhile, I’m still working on that manuscript, my next book in my Shelter of Secrets series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. It’s coming along!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Hope you have a good time at your conference next week. I go for the slow and steady approach to what I do -- I like to finish one project before starting another. And if you have free time, you can always go to Disneyland!!

It's been miserably hot here -- 118 is predicted. I try to be frugal and use the a/c only as really needed but that seems to be most of the day now. I do turn it off at night and keep a floor fan going in the bedroom -- that works well. My condo is concrete block construction and that is amazing insulation. I also have a large tree that gives good shade.

I've watered the patio plants so I plan to stay in and crochet -- finished a scarf for my daughter, now working on another afghan.

Enjoy your day, your dogs and your husband!!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Patty. I do see communications between some others planning to attend the conference that they're going to Disneyland, but since it's close enough to me that I go there now and then I don't think I'll take the opportunity next week.

It's hot here now for L.A. but not nearly as bad as your heat. I'm making sure to walk the dogs early enough in the morning that the pavement won't be too hot for their paws.

Have fun with your crocheting!