Wednesday, August 16, 2023


           This week, in addition to my writing, I’m having bookmarks printed for my Alaska Untamed Mysteries. I had some printed before for the first book in the series, BEAR WITNESS, and now I'll also have new ones with BEAR WITNESS featured on one side and my upcoming second story in the series, CRY WOLF, featured on the other side. And oh, yes, my name on them is Lark O. Jensen, although I happen to mention I'm also Linda O. Johnston.

I always enjoy using, and passing out, bookmarks, and this time it’s to let people I’ll see at Bouchercon in a couple of weeks learn what I’m up to in mysteries these days. Promotion, yes, and it’s an introduction to who I am and some of what I write.

Meanwhile, I’m also still working on edits for my fourth Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, since romantic suspense is also somewhat who I am. I’m also plotting some more stories, my next Shelter of Secrets story plus a new idea I’ve had for more mysteries.   

And my pups! I’m always happy to be giving them attention. And it’s fun when Roxie jumps into bed before we wake up in the morning and gives a good puppy snuggle.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you are busy, busy. I need to check out more of your books -- I've enjoyed the ones I've read.

We finally had a good rain last night about 8:30 -- didn't last long but it was very heavy and there are lots of puddles this morning. I won't have to water patio plants today.

My little dog didn't jump in bed with me but every morning, after she came in from her morning romp in the yard, she'd hit the stairs at full tilt and run into my daughter's room and onto her bed. I guess I'm programmed by a grandmother who would have been horrified if I'd let an animal sleep in my bed!! She believed animals believed outside only.

I continue to do lots of crocheting -- keeps me out of mischief and I love it.

Enjoy your day --

Linda O. Johnston said...

Good morning! Yes, I do tend to keep busy.

I was surprised that it was raining here in L.A. when the dogs woke me to go out at 4 AM this morning. I wasn't anticipating it. It didn't last long.

My husband made it very clear that he didn't want our dogs sleeping in bed with us--but cute little Roxie has convinced him otherwise though she doesn't join us till the middle of the night. Cari is fine sleeping on one of her beds on the floor.

Enjoy your day too, and your crocheting!

Patty said...

Good afternoon -- Hope you got through the hurri-quake with no harm to self or property. From what was shown on tv, it looked like a terrible, horrible, awful, very bad day.