Friday, August 18, 2023


 Already the trip to San Jose/Monterey is just a memory.  The change of scenes was great.  It was actually chilly up there.  I was nourishing to be lost in the giant redwoods of Henry Cowell Park and then to go to Monterey and beyond.  The morning of the day we left, I walked through Asilomar which is the basis for Visa Del Mar.  I was alone and able to soak up the atmosphere and pick up some fresh details for the book I'm writing.  It was quiet except for the sound of the waves in the distance.

I went into the social hall.  The last time I was there, the pandemic shut down was still going on and the social hall was closed.  It was nice to go inside and see the place I spend so much time in my imagination.

I really appreciated the few minutes of peaceful alone time.  Traveling with a six-year-old is pretty frantic.  I wish he could hand off some of that energy.  After we landed at the Burbank airport and were headed through the terminal, Jakey was ahead of me running with his suitcase.  Needless, to say my pace was a lot slower.

And now it's back to reality and my mind is swirling.  I got the schedule for the virtual tour for KILLER HOOKS.  I set up an interview to talk to someone writing a piece about the bohemian art scene in my Chicago neighborhood.  My father wrote a couple of art books about that time.  I am hoping I can share some memories.  I also was just invited to do a video chat with a cozy book group, but that won't be for awhile.  I'm also working on the next Yarn Retreat book.

And I just signed a contract for a new series.  A L.A. crochet artist inherits a yarn store housed in an old red school house near the dunes in Indiana.  She meets a quirky group of people (of course, are there any other kind) who convince her to add a tea room to the building while she tries to figure out who killed the previous owner.  

It is an area I have a deep affection for and a lot of memories.  Already planning to stop there next time I go to Chicago.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you had a wonderful trip -- Monterey is such a beautiful area. Yes, the energy of a six-year-old is incredible -- they just go and go and go!!

Your new series of books sounds great -- love going to tea rooms. I got recipe books from many of them that my late husband and I visited and if there wasn't a book, most of them would share a recipe if I asked. One of my favorite lunch casseroles is a bacon and egg dish that was served with fresh fruit salad, drizzled with poppy seed dressing, and yummy little honey bran muffins. I've made it numerous times.

News showing a big storm heading toward Mexico and then up the west coast -- crazy weather. Rained here a couple days ago -- not long in duration but very heavy while it lasted.

I, of course, continue to crochet -- finished a cross stitch blanket yesterday -- going to make another big granny square. My granddaughter said she was crocheting again -- I asked what she was making -- she said "Whatever it turns out to be." Interesting concept!!

Enjoy your day -- happy writing and crocheting!!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, the news here is filled with threats of the hurricane turning into a tropical storm and making landfall. It always feels odd when it rains here when it's warm. I hope we all get some rain, but not too much.

Interesting about your granddaughter and her crochet project. I think that crochet is appealing to a younger crowd now, but they aren't making afghans and scarves as much as little toys or things like baskets.

Sally Morrison said...

I love the idea of your new book. Quirky groups of people are usually the best. Love all your books.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, thank you. Did you ever go out to the dunes when you lived in Chicago?

Linda Osborn said...

When iso Molly going on sale? I have been stuck in a rehab with a broken
Leg. The internet is bad in here and this is the first time,
have gotten through to your blog in 6 weeks. I do
keep checking Amazon

Linda O. Johnston said...

Have fun with your KILLER HOOKS virtual tour, Betty. And congrats on the new series!

Patty said...

Good afternoon -- Hope you got through the hurri-quake with no harm to self or property. From what was shown on tv, it looked like a terrible, horrible, awful, very bad day.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I'm so sorry about your leg. I hope it heals fast. I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything from you. My editor has been on vacation. He's coming back tomorrow so I should know when the book will be up for pre-sale. Take care!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda O. Johnston, I am looking forward to the virtual tour. The new series has lots of elements I love, so it should be fun.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, you are right. It was a bad day, though not nearly as bad as for others. There was no wind here and the rain was like a normal storm. I was already tense from all the storm warning, so the earthquake was kind of lost in the shuffle. The sun is out and the puddles gone.