Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Getting Ready to Send and Go

            I’m finally nearly ready to send off the manuscript for my fourth Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. I’ve also been working on the detailed information Harlequin wants its authors to send for an online art fact sheet to help them figure out the right cover for the story. Its publication isn’t scheduled yet, but I assume it’ll be sometime next year.

I’m also getting ready for Bouchercon, the mystery conference I’ll be attending next week, starting a week from today. It’s in San Diego this year, closer to my home than the one in Minneapolis that I attended last year. Among all the other things I’ll be doing, I’ll be on a panel that sounds highly appropriate to what I write: Mysterious Creatures: Wild Animals and Pets. I’ll mostly be promoting my Alaska Untamed mysteries, which in addition to dead human bodies features, yes, wild animals and my protagonist’s own pet, unsurprisingly for me, a dog.

I’ll be bringing the bookmarks for that series, which I described in my post here last week.

My own dogs will be giving orders to only my husband while I’m gone. I’m sure they’ll all enjoy it!


Sally Morrison said...

It's interesting how we become servants to our pets. We got a kitten a few months ago. When we get home from somewhere she is standing by the door ready to meow at us. Kind of like, "where the heck have you been?" It's really kind of funny.

Have a wonderful, successful trip!

Patty said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you have a busy week ahead -- enjoy!!

Did you have any damage from the miserable weather last week? We were predicted to get some rain -- there was a 20 second downpour!! The weather is a bit cooler, though, which is nice.

My son and I saw the "Barbie" movie -- it was great fun. When my kids were young, my mother was bookkeeper at a big toy store -- we got every toy known to man, including several Barbies. Additionally, the Disney salesman gave us free passes to Disneyland -- whoopee!! We lived in Sacramento so drove down at least twice, maybe three times a year. Those were fun times.

My son's cat has had a bladder infection -- poor kitty was yowling in pain. Meds from the vet cleared it up fairly quickly, thank goodness.

Have a nice day -- and a nice week.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I enjoy being obedient to my dogs most of the time, Sally, although I'm glad my husband also plays with Roxie a lot and throws toys for her as I do so together we eventually wear her out! And they are also very happy to see us when we get home.

And thanks. It should be a fun trip.

Linda O. Johnston said...

We didn't have any damage from the storm, fortunately, Patty, even though our meter outside indicated we did get five inches of rain. The amount varied as it came down, and sounded heaviest overnight.

Haven't seen the Barbie movie yet but I had Barbie dolls as a kid and am somewhat intrigued by the movie.

Poor kitty! Glad he's doing better now.

Enjoy your day and week too. I expect to, especially with preparing for the conference.

Betty Hechtman said...

Have a great time at Bouchercon. I stopped doing book marks as I still have so many left from old books. You have inspired ;me to consider making them again in a smaller quantity.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty! And yes, I do have some leftover bookmarks, but I find they come in handy for passing out still for promotion and for using myself!