Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Back From Bouchercon

           I returned from Bouchercon on Monday after having a really good time there.

Fortunately, I was able to respond to the comments posted here. I got to see some friends I’d known before as well as making some new ones. I roomed with someone at the hotel who’s a local LA friend and enjoyed the company as well as the view of the water nearby, since the conference was at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina. It’s a large hotel, with lots of rooms for the various convention panels and events.

My panel on Mysterious Creatures was a lot of fun and had a good turnout. Hopefully, the audience members enjoyed it too. I attended other panels, including, of course, the one on dogs in mysteries. Plus, I met up with some people from my current publisher’s office and went to the dinner they threw, as well as meet-ups at the bar with local chapters of mystery writers organizations I belong to. Plus, I attended the events including the event’s main dinner and auction and awards ceremony.

And after the conference was over, my husband picked me up, bringing our pups, and we stayed for a short while with some friends who live in the San Diego area.

In all, it was a good conference. Next year’s is in Nashville. Will I attend? We’ll see!


Betty Hechtman said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Someone posted on Facebook that next year it was going to be in DC. I'm sure you're right since you were there.

Patty said...

Good morning -- Glad you had a good week -- always fun to connect with old friends and make new ones.

It's been kind of sad around here -- my daughter's little dog, who is about 15 years old, has been having lots of problems. The vet said he may have had a stroke -- the vet said they could do a lot of tests but he said at Scooty's age, it's probably best to just let him be and see what develops. Scooty doesn't seem to be in any pain but he has difficulty walking. My daughter loves that little dog so much -- she's having a hard time.

Just finished reading "Bear Witness" -- enjoyed it. My husband and I had a wonderful trip to Alaska -- we went out on a boat to see the whales. It was a memorable trip. Another memory is a woman who got so seasick -- poor thing was absolutely green!!

Enjoy your week, your writing and your pups.

Linda O. Johnston said...

It was definitely fun, Betty. And I believe it's scheduled for Nashville next year.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I agree it's fun to catch up with friends and make new ones, Patty.

So sorry to hear about your daughter's pup. They get old much too fast.

And delighted that you enjoyed "Bear Witness." Alaska is definitely a fun place to visit--and to set a book.