Friday, September 29, 2023

KILLER HOOKS has a Life of It's Own


Didn't September just begin.  Now it's just about toast.  This week went by in a blur.  Monday a family trip to Disneyland.  I mused remembering being there a few weeks before my son was born and now we were with his son.  

  Tuesday was the release day for KILLER HOOKS, so it is out in the universe now.  No longer mine to tamper with.  It has it's own life now, out of my control.

Wednesday it was back to working on KNOT DEAD, AGAIN.  I wish I could say that I was sailing along on it, but it's more like a spurt of a few words.  I just need some time and I will get back in the groove.

Thursday was dominated by dealing with trying to pay a bill online with a very uncooperative company.  Have you noticed that customer service has gone out the window.    I always love how some bill will say save time and pay online and then it takes forever ti figure out how to do it.

It isn't Friday yet, but my thoughts are focused on the dental appointment I have in the morning.  Not my favorite place to go.  

And just like that it will be the weekend again.  I need to finish the crossword puzzle in my People magazine before the new issue comes out.  It might rain on Saturday.  How strange the weather has been.  No hot windy days like a usual September.  

All this cooler weather has made me think more about cooking.  It helps that I keep seeing recipes online.  Today I saw one for a baked pancake with cooked apple slices.   I used to make a baked pancake often.  It's kind of like a giant popover.  I had a pan I used to use which I have no idea where is.  I was thinking about doing a search for it when I realized there was something right in front of me that would work.  I have a Le Creuset braiser that I use on top of the stove all the time.  I never thought about it being cast iron and fine to put in the oven.  Every time I'd see a recipe that started in a frying pan and went into the oven, I 'd think I couldn't make it.  I can't believe that I never even considered that pan.  It's all about to change.  I can't wait to make a baked pancake for my grandson. 

It's funny about missing things that are right in front of you.  It happens in writing a lot.  I will suddenly see a plot line I missed before.  I guess that's what rewriting is for.

Happy October!


Patty said...

Good morning -- September did indeed fly by -- it will be the end of the year before we know it.

"Killer Hooks" arrived on Wednesday -- I finished it by Thursday afternoon -- another great adventure for Moly and the Hookers. I liked the last couple pages -- a hint of what's to come?

Have you ever thought of who would play the characters in the book if it was made into a movie? My choices would be Angela Lansbury for Molly; Meg Ryan as Dinah; Bea Arthur as Adele; Tom Hanks as Barry, and Tom Selleck as Mason. Too bad Ms. Lansbury has died -- I loved her Jessica Fletcher character on tv. She was also too old to be Molly but since it's just a fantasy list, that doesn't matter!!

I've never made a baked pancake -- I do make baked French toast and an apple cinnamon topping for that -- a favorite of my grandson. Just yesterday, I was going through my kitchen cupboards, making note of all the baking pans I have. I used to cook and bake a lot -- when the kids were at home and later when I worked at a university in Texas. Those were fun days.

Just a few more rows to finish a big granny square blanket, then I'll try CeeCee's pattern for the granny stripe. Also want to make the Cheesy Squares -- or is it Eggy Squares? Which ever, sounds good.

We're off to the nursery today -- now that the weather is cooling, I want to get a few more plants for the patio and for the breezeway to the carport.

Enjoy your day.

Patty said...

Me again -- You said your baked pancake is like a popover -- is it a Dutch Baby?

Sally Morrison said...

I love living here in Florida except for the Fall. Yes, the summer is super hot but so is Chicago and I have a pool here. But I sure miss Fall in the Midwest. It is a tiny bit cooler here so I'm hoping for a little crispiness in the air soon.

Just got your latest Molly book. It will be my weekend read.

Happy Weekend!

Patty said...

Me -- one more time!! In "Killer Hooks," you mentioned Princess, a little white poodle Molly had rescued. I have a vague recollection of that storyline -- which book was it in?

Linda Morgan Osborn said...

Molly, Molly...she just will not heed the mental messages I try to send her. I was about half way through the new book when I developed a headache and ear infection, I will try to finish tomorrow. I loved meeting the baby, she adds fun to everything going on. However, Molly is on my blacklist at the moment, hopefully she gets her head on straight by the end. She has known Barry for several years, and knows exactly what his job entails.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, yes the baked pancake is often called a Dutch baby. I'm glad you enjoyed the book and the ending was a set up for the next book.

I'm sure you will excel at the granny stripes.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, I know exactly what you mean. Fall is my favorite time to go to Chicago. I loved it when I lived there. It's so odd,, but to me it always felt like everything was coming back to life after the languid feel of summer. I hope you enjoy the book.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, Princess was introduced in One for the Hooks. Her owner died and Molly rescued her.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I'm so sorry about the ear infection and headache . It pretty much impossible to distract yourself from that sort of pain.I hope you get better soon. I won't comment on Molly and Barry's relationship since you haven't finished the book.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Congrats on KILLER HOOKS being out there! And I can identify with your taking more time with KNOT DEAD, AGAIN. I agree also with how hard it is these days to get a customer service representative to actually help if you have a question or issue about a bill.
Have fun with your crossword. I always enjoy doing them!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda O Johnston, the crosswords in People magazine are great because I can actually do them, often without having to look anything up.