Wednesday, September 27, 2023

More Writing--Of Course!

           Delighted to say I’m making progress on my fifth Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. I have it all plotted out, at least, and have put a synopsis together. And I’ve just started writing it. It’s taken a while, but now I’m ready to make more progress. I think it will work well with the series, which I’m having fun with. The series features an animal shelter, yes, but the people who are hired to help out there, who appear to be homeless folks taken in for their benefit, are actually taken in for their benefit for a different reason: they’re under protective custody. And this fifth story will involve a best-selling writer who’s in trouble.

Anyway…   I think I’ll stop writing this post now and start the story. Assuming Roxie will let me. She keeps putting her cold nose on my feet so I’ll throw one of her toys for her to fetch—her favorite thing these days.

Guess I’d better toss something—and start writing!


Patty said...

Throw a toy, write a few lines -- great way to spend the day!! Is the story about any best-selling author we know -- maybe someone who writes crochet mysteries and gets involved in solving murders? Ha, ha.

The weather here has been gorgeous -- the heat of summer is gone and there will be several months of near-perfect weather -- so nice to be able to have the doors and windows open and no a/c whirring.

I've been doing my usual crocheting -- this Saturday is drop-off day for Project Linus and I have eight blankets ready to go.

Enjoy your day --

Sally Morrison said...

I've had dogs as pets over the years an always enjoyed their companionship. Now I have a cat and I'm really enjoying her. To my great surprise she loves to play fetch. I always thought only dogs did that! She is fun. When you work at home it is great to have a little furball to keep you company.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Yes, I enjoy my days this way, Patty. No, the best-selling author isn't someone any of us really knows, but he's certainly out there in my fiction world!

Our weather here vacillates a bit, not too hot and certainly not too cold. A few sprinkles are predicted as a possibility later this week, which is always a good thing around here.

Enjoy your crocheting!

Linda O. Johnston said...

I've always been a dog person, Sally, but my younger son and his girlfriend now have cats and I'm delighted to hear about their personalities and quirks! Not sure they play fetch, though.

chkntza said...

My friend just adopted a cat. He has his own rules for playing fetch. I throw the ball and he chases it. Then he plays with it. Then he sits next to it and I have to go get the ball, walk away and throw it again.