Wednesday, October 4, 2023

It's October!

            And next month I’m having two books published: my sixtieth and sixty-first traditionally published novels!

One is CSI COLTON AND THE WITNESS, a Harlequin Romantic Suspense book in their vast series about the large Colton family. This year’s miniseries is Coltons of New York, and my book will be eleventh in that series. Always fun to write, even though—or maybe especially because—they tell me what they want the story to include.

The other is CRY WOLF, the second Alaska Untamed Mystery that I’m writing for Crooked Lane Books under my first pseudonym, Lark O. Jensen. It’ll actually come out earlier in the month. I always like to publicize my books, but this one will need more getting out there since Harlequin books already have a large audience and I have to do more to let the world know about my Crooked Lane stories. Don’t think I’m going to do a blog tour like Betty did last month, although I wouldn’t mind. I was really impressed with hers! I’ve done blog tours before and find them fun and, hopefully, helpful.

Anyway, I’m celebrating—and continuing to write, of course. And playing with my dogs. Little Roxie still likes to play a lot, and I continue to obey her and toss her toys. Later this month is our other dog Cari’s seventh birthday. My babies take a lot of time—and love!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Wow, 61 books published -- that's a lot of words and a lot of plots to work out. How many murders have you been involved with over the years?

It's been a busy time here -- a long-time friend from Sacramento is visiting, my son's mother-in-law arrives from Chicago tomorrow, and I'm helping a friend decorate a room for her granddaughter who will be living with her after the first of the year. That is a great project -- the girl is eight years old and such a sweet child. Her parents have big problems so her grandma is helping -- I'm delighted to do what I can. The girl's favorite colors are purple, turquoise and chartreuse -- fun combination.

I just finished crocheting a neck scarf for my granddaughter's big dog -- the pattern showed ties to make into a bow but I can't see the dog with bows so I made a tab that fastens with big buttons. Works well.

Enjoy your day and your dogs -- Happy Birthday to Cari!!

Sally Morrison said...

Congratulations! That is an amazing accomplishment. I wrote one book and so far that seems to be it for me. Take some time to celebrate your achievements.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Hmmm. Don't think I'll try to tell you how many murders I've been involved with, Patty.

You do sound busy, and with people who sound fun. Enjoy!

How delightful that you crocheted a neck scarf for a dog! We're starting to consider Halloween costumes for our pups.

You enjoy your day too. And Cari says thanks!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Sally. One book is definitely an accomplishment too. And yes, I'll celebrate... as I continue writing!

Betty Hechtman said...

Wow, 60th and 61st books! That is impressive. Congratulations!!!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty!