Friday, October 20, 2023

Life Gets in the Way

Now that KILLER HOOKS is out in the world, I have been working hard on finishing KNOT DEAD, AGAIN.  I was doing great-- writing 3500 words a day for two days.  And then life got in the way.  

It seems that I am always on call.  First, it was to be support staff while my son and grandson took one of  the cats to the vet.  Her name is Buttercup or actually Princess Buttercup and she made an appearance in KILLER HOOKS.  She butterscotch color and white, has long silky hair and doesn't meow.  No one seems to know why. Her trip to the vet was based on her making coughing noises and sneezing green stuff.  She turned out to be no problem to get in her carrier or to be treated at the vet.  While my son went in with her, Jakey and I stayed in the waiting room on the feline side. 

I have been going to this vet for a very long time.  So long that I remember taking my son with me shortly after he was born.  After the dog I had with me was seen, I had to nurse my son before we drove home.  It was an interesting feeling to see the same interior and be there with Jakey.  The vet seems to take in strays.  There were at least three cats wandering around the lobby.  In the past, among other animals, they had a three legged dog and Jack the Persian cat.  Jack went over the rainbow bridge quite a while ago, but there is a photograph of him and his story on the wall.

Apparently he was left in a box with a bag of food outside the vets.  Get it Jack in the Box.  Jack had a distinct personality as he roamed the whole place.  It was like he owned it.  He always made eye contact when I spoke to him.  He is actually going to be in the new series as a cat with special powers.

By the time we got home from the vet and getting Jakey a Jamba Juice, I was out of a writing frame of mind.

Yesterday, I wrote about 2500 words before a trip to Disneyland.  Jakey's pass only works on weekdays which is why we were there on a Wednesday.  The only rides I like are the train and the big boat, so most of my time is people watching and holding the backpack while my son and Jakey go on rides.  Yesterday I watched some parents take photos of their daughter.  What struck me was how naturally she knew how to cock her head just  right to pose.  When I was her age, getting my picture taken made me nervous and I kept shutting my eyes.

And then today.  I find that it helps if I spend some time thinking about what I  is going to happen next before I go to the computer.  There was a lot of thinking and coffee drinking because I was just at that point where the middle ends and the book starts to turn toward home.

When I finally got going at the computer and the words were flying, my husband came in screaming there was something stuck on Jakey's finger.  A moment later, Jakey joined him, wailing that he was going to die or his finger was dead.

I should explain that I work in a tiny room just past the cat box that was probably meant as a maid's room who didn't have a lot of stuff.  Its so small that shutting the door makes me claustrophobic, so everyone just comes in and stands behind me with whatever is going wrong.  Half the time when I come, I have to fight Kitten for my chair.  And the chair.  Mostly I don't think about it until my son tells me I should get some ergonomically correct seat.  Then I remember that it is an ancient typing chair from sometime in the 70s from a house my husband rented for an office and it wasn't new then.  I guess it's fine.  I never really notice otherwise.

So back to Jakey's finger.  He had gotten the plastic cord of the Roku thing wrapped around his finger and couldn't get it off.  My husband was freaking and Jakey kept  crying and saying his finger was dead.  All it took was a little calming them down,some soap and hand cream and I freed his finger.  Then we cut off the plastic thing on the Roku remote so it would never happen again. 

This time I went back to the computer and picked up where I'd left off.


Patty said...

Wow, you've had some wild times!! Poor Jakey and a "dead" finger -- glad it was an easy fix to keep it alive!!

I hadn't read the acknowledgments in "Killer Hooks" until Chkntza (autocorrect keeps changing that to "chintz") told me my name was mentioned. What a nice surprise -- I feel honored and like a celebrity to have my name in your book.

It must be fun for you to be involved in movies and all that entails. My son has been in the music business and met many of the big names -- Elton John, Alice Cooper and others. I wouldn't know Madonna if she was right in front of me!! My celebrity interaction has been being hugged by Pittsburg Steelers player Terry Bradshaw and kissed on the cheek by Van Johnson -- oh my, that was a thrill!!

Have you ever done a crab stitch edging on a blanket? I love the look but the crocheting from left to right is awkward. It always takes several starts before I get it going smoothly. I keep getting notices from Herrschners about new yarns but I'm being good and using what I have -- and I have a lot! -- for now.

Hope your writing goes well today without any major interruptions. I have to clean the sliding glass door to the patio -- it looks great until the sun comes through late in the afternoon and then the streaks show up - yuck.

Enjoy your day.

Linda D Osborn said...

Just lost my note, starting over...Your live is fun and busy. Now that I live alone and the grandchildren are so grown up {high school and college} I miss all that.
Thank you for the mention in your latest book--I do really enjoy your work. Molly and Barry somehow latched on to me from Book 1, and I sometimes find myself thinking up new adventures for them. I even "know" what they look like
I have not been able to start new therapy on my legs because there is a lot of fluid build up--trying to get rid of that. I am still rolling around the house in my wheelchair, hoping to get back to driving eventually.
Keep enjoying Jakey while you can, time passes too quickly.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I haven't tried the crab stitch. I'll have to check it out. The lure of new yarn is that they keep coming out with something new. I have been trying not to buy more yarn, but when it comes to projects I include in the books, I do buy new yarn to make sure it hasn't been discontinued.

I always liked Van Johnson. How nice that his kissed you. My husband's whole career was in the entertainment business and I got to go to a lot of concerts, sets and award shows. It was pretty cool when I stood next to Rock Hudson on the set of McMillan and Wife since it was one my favorite shows.

My day never goes by without interruptions. Jakey has learned the move to come to the doorway of my little room to tell me that he's hungry. For a skinny kid, he eats a lot.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, sorry about your legs. Being in a wheel chair has to be hard Being stuck at home has to be hard. I hope you can start the therapy soon.

I was happy to include you in the book. You and the other regular blog posters feel like friends.

I count my blessings every day that I have all this going on around me. I love that I get to spend so much time with Jakey and have the chance to really know who he is.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I gather that Buttercup wasn't too bad, Betty, which is a good thing. And I know what it's like to visit the same vet for a long time. If you find one whom you think does a good job, absolutely! And glad that Jakey's finger turned out not to be too bad either.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, Buttercup is much better. She adores my son, so he was the one to give her the meds. Jakey's finger was fine as soon as I freed it from the Roku remote. There is always something.