Wednesday, December 13, 2023

And December Continues

            As you could probably figure last week, I was feeling a bit stressed, including not getting my post up in a timely manner. That was partly because I was heading out on a short trip that day. Last Wednesday, we took a trip to Las Vegas, mostly to see a David Copperfield show. And it turned out to be an odd and somewhat difficult trip.

First, that terrible shooting at UNLV occurred. Our plane was able to land okay, although the one our son and his girlfriend were flying on, supposed to arrive just an hour after ours, was delayed because of the air traffic the initial investigation caused. Then, the ride downtown was filled with traffic because of road closures. But we made it, and eventually checked into our room at The Cosmopolitan—a very nice room, with a good view of the nearby building and fountains, and even the Sphere, although it was partially hidden by another building.

Good dinner that night. And then we headed to the David Copperfield show at the MGM Grand. He performed his first trick—and then looked down into the audience, appeared very concerned, and called security. Our seats were good ones, second row in the front—but just off to our left side, in the first row, someone suffered a serious medical condition, possibly a heart attack, and a trauma nurse who happened to be in the audience began performing CPR. Other professionals appeared to help—and the rest of us in the audience were first told to move back, and then to leave. The show was canceled.

We attended a comedy show that didn’t seem especially funny, then returned to the MGM Grand. No word on what happened to that poor man in the audience, and I never was able to learn more. I certainly hope he was okay.

Back to the hotel, and we left Vegas the next afternoon. I’m not much of a gambler, so although it was kind of fun to be there I can’t say I particularly enjoyed the trip. But we are considering returning next year to try once more to see that show.

Meanwhile, I’ve been attending the events I mentioned last week and more. And my book signing at Mystery Ink will be this weekend.

As I write this, my pup Roxie is talking to me and pawing my arm—she’s just jumped onto the chair beside me. Guess I’d better stop and take her and Cari out!

Once more, I hope you’re all having a fun holiday season.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Goodness, that was traumatic -- one never knows what one may encounter on a trip. The shooting was so horrible and so senseless. Good that there happened to be a nurse in the audience of the show to help with the medical emergency.

I've never seen David Copperfield in person but have seen his tv shows -- he once made the Great Wall of China disappear!! I love magic shows -- can't imagine how all those things are done.

I did my Christmas decorating last Sunday -- I'm very much a minimalist and just put out a few things to give the house a festive look. My shopping is minimal, too -- everything was bought online and most was done by my son for me!! I am crocheting a couple shawls and a shrug.

Enjoy your holiday activities and your dogs.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Good morning, Patty. Yes, there were definitely traumatic times on that trip. They gave me a lot to talk about, but I wish none of that had happened.

I've been working on my holiday stuff, but won't do any decorating. Presents? Yes!

I always enjoy my dogs. And my holiday activities are fun too.

Betty Hechtman said...

Your trip to Vegas was probably memorable, too bad not in a good way. It must have been scary when David Copperfield called for security on the heels of the shooting. It's probably good that you aren't a gambler, sounds like a bad luck time.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I agree about the likelihood of bad luck, Betty. One good thing was that a rodeo was coming to town, and even though I didn't get to see any horses, I saw a lot of people wearing cowboy hats!

Sally Morrison said...

Sounds stressful and one to remember that's for sure. Glad you had some fun and time with loved ones is always great. Have a wonderful holiday season!