Wednesday, December 27, 2023

And More Holiday Stuff Going On

         Wow! This is my last blog post here of 2023. 

Not that I have a lot to say. I’ve been busy with family things, so I haven’t caught up with where I’d like to be with my writing, although I work on it in spurts when I can. 

But I do pay a lot of attention to my pups. They wouldn’t allow me to do otherwise!

 Anyway, it has been a fun and sometimes challenging year. I had three books published and I’m still out there sometimes letting readers know about them. 

I hope you’re all enjoying what’s left of the holiday season. And keep on reading when you can. I do!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Hard to believe 2023 is almost over. It's been a good year for me -- really quite ordinary but that's the way I like it -- no drama!!

All the family was here for Christmas breakfast -- we had a great time together. My granddaughter's boyfriend joined us -- we anticipate an engagement soon.

You keep busy with your dogs -- I keep busy with my crocheting. I'm going to try to refrain from buying more yarn until I've used at least half of what I have -- and I have a lot!! I had a friend who bought a silver tea service and polished it every Saturday -- she said it pleasured her. That's the way I feel looking at my shelves of yarn -- it's a real pleasure.

And of course, you are busy writing. I haven't read much lately -- need to get back to it.

Enjoy the rest of the year and Happy New Year!!

Linda O. Johnston said...

It does sound as if you have been busy too, Patty, in a good way. Definitely always do what gives you pleasure! And good luck with that potential engagement.

You enjoy the rest of this year too, and Happy New Year!

chkntza said...

Happy New Year!