Wednesday, December 6, 2023


           I’m posting this late. Sorry! But even though my blog tour has ended, I’ve continued to be busy with online interviews and other blog posts. I also have a book signing at a mystery bookstore, Mystery Ink, coming up soon.

Plus, it’s the holiday season and I have a lot of events coming up for that—including the local Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club holiday party. And several parties for local chapters of writing organizations. Also, the Union Oil Company of California Alumni Association party. And more!

Anyway, yes, I’m still writing—of course. Hope you’re all having a fun holiday season, whether or not you are busy.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Wow, you are busy!! Sounds like lots of fun events. I've never been much of a partier or a joiner of clubs -- didn't even like Blue Birds when I was a kid!! We had a big family around when I was growing up -- lots of aunts, uncles, cousins -- and gatherings always involved them.

I went to my grandson's basketball game last night -- his team won 46-10. The halftime show was rather amazing -- the cheerleaders performed -- a couple of the girls could do back flips the length of the basketball court. I could never do a decent somersault -- how they can fling their body in the air is beyond me!!

My grandson is in the Honor Society and has to do a certain number of community service hours each semester. Last Saturday he went to an animal shelter that takes in lots of animals that are almost unadoptable -- deformed, various problems. He helped feed donkeys, steam cleaned a room -- the woman said he was one of the best workers she'd ever had. He enjoyed himself. She said next time he comes, she is going to teach him to drive the little tractor -- he's looking forward to that.

I, of course, continue to do lots of crocheting. Darn yarn people keep coming up with gorgeous new yarns and I'm forced to buy them -- ha, ha. I'm between blankets right now and making a scarf for my neighbor as a Christmas gift.

Enjoy your day and all your holiday gatherings.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Hi, Patty,
As a writer I have found joining writers' organizations fun and helpful.

Congrats on your grandson being in the Honor Society . And his help dealing with disabled animals sounds wonderful!
Have fun with your crocheting and everything else!

Patty said...

Good morning -- Finished the latest "Colton" book -- good read -- a little romance, a little murder.

Being a Harlequin book, it reminded me of something from years ago. We had friends who lived in a very small town in Nebraska, way out in the country, The town had a weekly newspaper to which I subscribed for a year or so. Each week there was a column called "Meet Your Neighbors" -- a little information about someone in the community. One was about a woman who said her summer plans were to help her husband prepare their pigs to be sent to the slaughter house and to read Harlequin novels. That struck me as so funny!!

Enjoy your weekend.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Glad you enjoyed the latest Colton book, Patty. And, hey, I'm glad the woman wanted to read some Harlequin books--no matter what else she was up to!